Book 2 – Section 3

Deepening Themes

To develop the habit of visiting friends and neighbors to converse on themes of spiritual significance


This third unit, like the preceding one, is concerned with the capabilities that enable us to enter into meaningful and uplifting conversation. Our focus in the second unit was on the numerous occasions that present themselves to elevate the level of conversation by referring to spiritual principles. Here the focus shifts to the visits we make to the homes of friends and neighbors to explore together themes central to the life of the community.

In villages and neighborhoods throughout the world, groups of friends are intensely engaged in a set of interrelated activities that include regular devotional gatherings, classes for the spiritual education of children, meetings of junior youth, study circles, and youth camps and various kinds of campaigns. As this pattern of activity takes root in a locality and as increasing numbers dedicate themselves to acts of service, the nucleus of friends grows in size and strength. A systematic program of visits to more and more homes in the village or neighborhood is a vital component of the process of community building now gathering momentum. A diversity of themes are addressed during such visits. The teacher of a Bahá’í children’s class, for example, must frequently call on the parents of the youngsters to discuss themes relevant to education. Similar visits need to be made to the homes of junior youth and youth by those serving as animators and tutors to discuss subjects bearing on the challenges and opportunities associated with these promising years in the life of a human being. Conversations held with the members of a household on themes that deepen their knowledge of the Faith prove equally essential. All in all, the effect of such visits on the culture of fellowship emerging in the community cannot be overestimated.


For the purpose of this unit, we will look at an imaginary neighborhood in which the process described above is advancing, and we will use it as the context for examining the kinds of conversation that may unfold during a visit to a home.

Alejandra is a young woman in the third year of university. She and one of her brothers, also a student, live with their parents in the neighborhood we are imagining, in the house where they were born and grew up. The four of them and a young couple who recently moved to the neighborhood meet every week to pray and consult on the progress of activities being established around them within a population of some 8,000. Three others are participating from time to time in these weekly meetings and beginning to think systematically not only of their own acts of service but also of the entire community-building process: a teacher of a children’s class that started six months ago and two seventeen-year-old youth who are guiding the efforts of a junior youth group with assistance from an older brother of Alejandra, who was the animator of their own group when they were younger and who visits his parents regularly.

The first set of conversations we will examine is between Alejandra and the Sanchezes, a family well-known and respected in the neighborhood. The husband and wife are in their sixties and, having raised their sons and daughters, live by themselves a few blocks away from Alejandra’s home. Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez are literate but have not received a great deal of formal education. The widespread respect they enjoy is due to the wisdom they have acquired through experience in a life of generosity and pure deeds. They have been aware of the Bahá’í teachings for some time, but only recently did they decide to investigate them

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in earnest. A week ago, they communicated to Alejandra’s parents their desire to join the community. A gathering to welcome them has already been planned and, in addition, it has been agreed that Alejandra will visit them regularly for several weeks to share with them a series of themes that will help them deepen their knowledge of the Faith. By following the account of the visits, you will be able to explore these themes and at the same time reflect on the dynamics of conversation on such occasions.


Alejandra plans to base her first conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez on the brief explanation below of the theme, the eternal Covenant of God.

The Creator of all things is God, the One, the Incomparable, the Self-Subsisting. Bahá’u’lláh teaches us that the essence of God is incomprehensible to the human mind, for the finite cannot comprehend the infinite. The representations that people make of Him are but fruits of their own imaginations. God is not a man, and He is not a mere force spread throughout the universe. The words we must necessarily use to refer to the Source of our being, such as the Heavenly Father, the Heavenly Power, the Great Spirit, express His names and attributes in the human tongue and are totally inadequate to describe Him.

In the Hidden Words, we read:

“O Son of Man! I loved thy creation, hence I created thee. Wherefore, do thou love Me, that I may name thy name and fill thy soul with the spirit of life.”1

In this passage, Bahá’u’lláh tells us that God’s love for us is the very reason for our existence. We must be ever conscious of this love, which protects us, sustains us, and fills us with the spirit of life. In moments of difficulty or ease, of sadness or joy, we must remember that His love always embraces us.

From the Bahá’í teachings, we learn that, having created us out of His love, God has entered into a Covenant with us. The word “covenant” means pact or promise between two or more people. According to the eternal Covenant, the All-Bountiful Creator never abandons us and, from time to time, makes His Will and His Purpose known to us through one of His Manifestations.

The verb “to manifest” means to reveal, to show something that was not known before. The Manifestations of God are those special Beings Who reveal to us the Word of God. They are universal Educators who teach us how to live in accordance with the Will of God and how to achieve true happiness. Among these Manifestations are Abraham, Krishna, Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Christ, Muḥammad and, of course, the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh, the Twin Manifestations of God for this age in human history.

Thus, in the eternal Covenant of God, His part has always been fulfilled. A fundamental question we must all ask ourselves is, “How do I fulfill my part of the Covenant?” The answer we find in all religious scriptures is: by recognizing the Manifestation of God and obeying His teachings. This response points to the very purpose of our lives, which is to know and to worship God. In the Short Obligatory Prayer, we declare:

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“I bear witness, O my God, that Thou hast created me to know Thee and to worship Thee. I testify, at this moment, to my powerlessness and to Thy might, to my poverty and to Thy wealth.

“There is none other God but Thee, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.”2

Since it is impossible for us to know God except through His Manifestations, the only way we can achieve the purpose of our lives is by recognizing Them and following Their teachings. Today, our hearts overflow with gratitude for the bounty of living in a time when the promise made in all the Holy Books, that peace and justice would be established on earth, is being fulfilled. Bahá’u’lláh proclaims:

“This is the Day in which God’s most excellent favors have been poured out upon men, the Day in which His most mighty grace hath been infused into all created things. It is incumbent upon all the peoples of the world to reconcile their differences, and, with perfect unity and peace, abide beneath the shadow of the Tree of His care and loving-kindness.”3

Before we continue with our story, you should read the above explanation and reflect on it paragraph by paragraph with the other participants of your group. You can ask questions of one another and answer them together, until each of you is able to express the ideas naturally and with ease. Learning the quotations well is especially important, for sharing passages from the Writings in discussions of this kind is indispensable. The following exercises will help you think about the ideas presented in this section and on the meaning of the passages quoted:

  1. How would you explain to someone that God is an unknowable essence? The first paragraph in the above should be of help to you in this respect.
  2. Why did God create us? ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
  3. What does the word “covenant” mean? __________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
  4. What has God promised in His eternal Covenant with humanity? _____________ __________________________________________________________________
  5. What is the purpose of our lives? _______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

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  1. If we can never know the essence of God, what does it mean that the purpose of our lives is to know God? ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
  2. What does the word “manifest” mean? ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
  3. Name some of the Manifestations of God: ________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
  4. What is required of us if we are to fulfill our part in the Covenant? ____________ __________________________________________________________________
  5. Complete the following sentences:
    1. In this Day, God’s _________________________________ have been poured out upon humanity.
    2. In this Day, God’s _________________________________ has been infused into all created things.
    3. In this Day, we should _____________________ our differences, and, with perfect unity and peace, __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ .
  6. What does Bahá’u’lláh ask the peoples of the world to do? __________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


The content of the theme Alejandra plans to share with Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez is not the only thing that has been on her mind. She hopes to build a strong bond of friendship with the couple. From firsthand experience, she knows the malevolent effects of both prejudice and a patronizing attitude. These she will naturally avoid; her higher studies have not lessened her humility. She has nothing in her heart but genuine love and respect for the Sanchezes. As she considers how she is going to explain the first theme, she reminds herself that this is the beginning of an ongoing conversation that will unfold over many weeks. She recognizes that, although it is important to present the sequence of ideas with clarity, she should stop at certain points to listen to the couple’s response. “I should try not to be nervous,” she tells herself, “because that is when I keep talking and talking, and there will be no chance for a

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conversation to take shape.” Alejandra continues to think about her visit for some time along these lines. If you were in her place, which of the following would you regard as appropriate thoughts to enter your mind?

  • ____  It’s my job to instruct the Sanchezes in the Faith and make sure they learn everything I teach them.
  • ____  What a privilege it is to be able to spend some time with this wonderful couple and share with them passages from the Writings.
  • ____  I know this visit is important. Still, I hope it doesn’t take long because I have other things to do.
  • ____  The quotations will be too difficult for them. I should just mention a couple of simple ideas. What is important is to show them love.
  • ____  At their age, the Sanchezes cannot learn much.
  • ____  I am looking forward to the visit and to hearing their insights as we discuss the theme and reflect on the quotations.
  • ____  They can read. I’ll just introduce the subject and leave them the quotations to study for themselves.
  • ____  When presenting ideas, I will have to pause often so that we can study the quotations together and consult about them.
  • ____  I hope I can present the whole theme without interruption and ask them if they have any questions at the end.Can you think of other sentiments that you would or would not want to have in preparing for such a visit?


    Alejandra’s first visit to the Sanchez home goes well. The couple notes her nervousness and makes her feel at ease with their warmth and kindness. They listen carefully and participate fully in the discussion, paying particular attention to the quotations. The only moment of difficulty is at the end when Mrs. Sanchez surprises Alejandra with a question: “Am I forgetting Christ by joining the Bahá’í community?” Alejandra knows the answer, but it takes her time to formulate it. Mr. Sanchez smiles and comes to her aid: “I think my love for Christ has actually grown since we have learned about the Bahá’í teachings.” “And that is the way with so many throughout the world,” adds Alejandra, who has gathered her thoughts together. “Their love for Moses, Christ, Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster, and Muḥammad is strengthened because of what Bahá’u’lláh teaches about the unity of God, the unity of religion, and the unity of humankind.”

    It would be useful for you to take a moment in your group to discuss some of the qualities and attitudes that must have been present during Alejandra’s visit to make it so fruitful. Chief among those you need to consider is humility. The foundation of all humility is humility before God. From it springs humility before His creatures. At no time is humility more important than when one speaks of God and His Manifestations. You should reflect on the following words of Bahá’u’lláh and make every effort to memorize them:

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“They who are the beloved of God, in whatever place they gather and whomsoever they may meet, must evince, in their attitude towards God, and in the manner of their celebration of His praise and glory, such humility and submissiveness that every atom of the dust beneath their feet may attest the depth of their devotion. The conversation carried by these holy souls should be informed with such power that these same atoms of dust will be thrilled by its influence. They should conduct themselves in such manner that the earth upon which they tread may never be allowed to address to them such words as these: ‘I am to be preferred above you. For witness, how patient I am in bearing the burden which the husbandman layeth upon me. I am the instrument that continually imparteth unto all beings the blessings with which He Who is the Source of all grace hath entrusted me. Notwithstanding the honor conferred upon me, and the unnumbered evidences of my wealth—a wealth that supplieth the needs of all creation—behold the measure of my humility, witness with what absolute submissiveness I allow myself to be trodden beneath the feet of men. . . .’”4

As mentioned above, humility before our fellow human beings springs from humility before God. It is with this same humility that we assume a prayerful attitude while visiting the home of a friend or neighbor to deepen our understanding of certain themes together. During the conversation, we turn our thoughts frequently towards God, asking Him to illumine our minds and hearts and those of everyone present. There are many phrases and sentences from prayers that we can memorize with this purpose in mind. These are only a few:

“Illumine our hearts, grant us discerning eyes and attentive ears.”5
“O Lord! Grant Thine infinite bestowals, and let the light of Thy guidance shine.”6 “Unlock the gates of true understanding and let the light of faith shine resplendent.”7 “O Lord! Illumine our eyes so that we may behold Thy light.”8

“Wholly unto Thee do I turn, fervently imploring Thee with all my heart, my mind and my tongue, to shield me from all that runs counter to Thy will in this, the cycle of Thy divine unity . . .”9


Alejandra’s heart is full of joy after her visit to the home of the Sanchezes and her conversation with them on the theme of the eternal Covenant. “The next visit,” she thinks, “would be a good opportunity for them to deepen their knowledge of Bahá’u’lláh’s life.” The following is the presentation upon which she will draw:

Bahá’u’lláh was born on 12 November 1817 in Ṭihrán, the capital city of Persia. From childhood He showed extraordinary qualities, and His parents were convinced that He was destined for greatness. Bahá’u’lláh’s father, a distinguished minister in the court of the king, had immense love for his Son. One night he dreamt that Bahá’u’lláh was swimming in a limitless ocean, His body shining and illuminating the vast sea. Around His head radiated His long jet-black hair, floating in all directions. A multitude of fish gathered around Him, each holding on to the extremity of one hair. Great as

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was the number of fish, not a single hair was detached from Bahá’u’lláh’s head. He moved freely and unrestrained, and they all followed Him. Bahá’u’lláh’s father asked a man renowned for his wisdom to explain the dream. He was told that the limitless ocean was the world of being. Alone and single-handed, Bahá’u’lláh would achieve sovereignty over it. The multitude of fish represented the turmoil which He would arouse among the peoples of the world. He would have the unfailing protection of the Almighty; this tumult would not harm Him.

By the time Bahá’u’lláh was thirteen or fourteen, He was famous in the court of the king for His wisdom and learning. He was twenty-two years old when His father died, and the government offered his position to Bahá’u’lláh. But He had no intention of spending His time in the management of worldly affairs. He left behind the court and its ministers to follow the path set for Him by God. He devoted His time to helping the oppressed, the sick and the poor, and soon He became known as a champion of the cause of justice.

At the age of twenty-seven, Bahá’u’lláh received, through a special messenger, some of the Writings of the Báb, Who was proclaiming the dawn of a new Day, the Day when a new Manifestation of God would bring to the world the peace, unity and justice long awaited by humanity. Bahá’u’lláh immediately accepted the Message of the Báb and became one of His most enthusiastic followers. But alas, those who ruled over the people of Persia, blinded by their own selfish desires, set out to persecute the followers of the Báb with great savagery. Bahá’u’lláh, despite being known for His nobility, was not spared. A little over eight years after the Báb’s Declaration, and two years after the Báb Himself had been martyred, He was imprisoned in a dark dungeon called the Black Pit. The chains put around His neck were so heavy that He could not lift His head. Here Bahá’u’lláh spent four terrible months in severe hardship. Yet it was in this same dungeon that the Spirit of God filled His soul and revealed to Him that He was the Promised One of all ages. From this dark prison, the Sun of Bahá’u’lláh rose illuminating the entire creation.

After four months in the Black Pit, Bahá’u’lláh was stripped of all His possessions, and He and His family were sent into exile. In the bitter cold of winter, they traveled along the western mountains of Persia towards Baghdád, then a city in the Ottoman Empire and today the capital of ‘Iráq. Words cannot describe their sufferings as they walked hundreds of kilometers on snow and ice-covered ground on their way to that fate-laden city.

The fame of Bahá’u’lláh soon spread throughout Baghdád and other cities of the region, and more and more people came to the door of this exiled Prisoner to receive His blessings. But there were a few who became jealous of His fame. Among them was Bahá’u’lláh’s own half-brother Mírzá Yaḥyá, who was living under His loving care. Mírzá Yaḥyá’s plotting caused disunity among the followers of the Báb and brought great sadness to Bahá’u’lláh. One night, without telling anyone, Bahá’u’lláh left His home and went to the mountains of Kurdistán. There He lived a secluded life engaged in prayer and meditation. He stayed in a small cave and subsisted on the simplest of foods. No one in that area knew His origin, and no one knew His name. But, then, gradually the people of the region began to speak of the “Nameless One”, a great Saint who had knowledge bestowed upon Him by God. When the news of this Holy Personage reached Bahá’u’lláh’s oldest Son, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, He immediately recognized the signs of His beloved Father. Letters were sent with a special messenger

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entreating Bahá’u’lláh to return to Baghdád. This He accepted, bringing to an end a period of painful separation that had lasted two years.

During Bahá’u’lláh’s absence, the conditions of the Bábí community had declined rapidly. In the seven years He lived in Baghdád following His return from the mountains, Bahá’u’lláh infused the persecuted and confused followers of the Báb with a new spirit. Although He had not yet announced His own great station, the power and wisdom of His words began to win the loyalty of an increasing number of Bábís and the admiration of people of every walk of life. But the fanatical Muslim clergy could not bear to see the tremendous influence Bahá’u’lláh had on such a large number of souls. They complained and complained to the authorities until the government of Persia joined hands with some of the officials of the Ottoman Empire to remove Bahá’u’lláh farther away from His homeland, this time to the city of Constantinople.

April of 1863 was a month of great sadness for the population of Baghdád. The One Whom they had grown to love was leaving their city, heading for what to them was an unknown destination. Just prior to His departure, Bahá’u’lláh moved to a garden on the outskirts of the city, raised His tent and for twelve days received the stream of visitors who gathered to say farewell. The followers of the Báb came to this garden with heavy hearts; some would accompany Bahá’u’lláh on this next stage of His exile, though many would have to stay behind and be deprived of close association with Him. But God had not willed that this occasion would be one of sadness. The doors of His infinite bounty were opened wide, and Bahá’u’lláh proclaimed to those around Him that He was the One foretold by the Báb—He Whom God would make manifest. Sadness gave way to boundless joy; hearts were uplifted and souls were enkindled with the fire of His love. This twelve-day period in April is celebrated everywhere as the Festival of Riḍván, the anniversary of the declaration by Bahá’u’lláh of His world-embracing Mission.

Constantinople was the seat of the Ottoman Empire. Here again, over just four months, Bahá’u’lláh’s great wisdom and personal charm began to attract an increasing number of people. “He must not stay in Constantinople any longer,” murmured the fanatical Muslim clergy, who convinced the authorities to exile Him to the town of Adrianople. In Adrianople, where He remained for four and a half years, Bahá’u’lláh wrote Tablets to the kings and the rulers of the world calling on them to abandon the ways of oppression and dedicate themselves to the welfare of their people. Then His enemies conceived a most cruel punishment. He and His family would be exiled to ‘Akká, which at the time was the worst penal colony in the entire empire. “Surely He will perish in the harsh conditions of that prison-city,” thought the feeble-minded men who imagined they could stop the plan God Himself had set in motion.

The hardships Bahá’u’lláh suffered in ‘Akká are too many to recount. He lacked every means of comfort and was surrounded by enemies day and night. But the conditions of imprisonment gradually changed. The inhabitants of ‘Akká and its government became convinced of the innocence of the small band of Bahá’ís who had been exiled to their city. Once again, people were attracted by the wisdom and love of this extraordinary Personage, even though the majority did not understand His great station. After some nine years, the doors of the prison-city were opened to Bahá’u’lláh and His followers. His beloved Son ‘Abdu’l-Bahá was able to secure a dignified place for His Father to live outside the city walls, and eventually it became possible for ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to rent a home in the countryside where Bahá’u’lláh was

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able to spend the remaining thirteen years of His life in relative peace and tranquility. We now know this house as the Mansion of Bahjí, and there He passed away in May of 1892 at the height of His majesty and glory.

Bahá’u’lláh raised the banner of universal peace and fellowship and revealed the Word of God. Although His enemies combined their forces against Him, He was victorious over them as God had promised Him when under chains in the dark dungeon in Ṭihrán. During His own lifetime, His Message revived the hearts of thousands of people. And today, His teachings continue to spread throughout the world. Nothing can prevent Him from achieving His ultimate goal, which is to unify humankind in one universal Cause, in one common Faith.

The above account of the life of Bahá’u’lláh is relatively long. Before moving on to the exercises below, you should read the account paragraph by paragraph in your group and ask one another questions until you learn the content well and can present it with ease. The following map will assist you in calling to mind the path of Bahá’u’lláh’s exiles and in remembering the events that occurred along the way.

1. You may find it helpful to write down in the space provided, on the basis of the above account, the sequence of the major events associated with Bahá’u’lláh’s life.


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  1. In a discussion around the theme of Bahá’u’lláh’s life, there are a number of concepts that need to be underscored, apart from the sequence of events. Of particular importance is reflection on the suffering He endured out of His love for humanity, as well as on the extraordinary victories achieved by His Faith in the face of opposition. Let these words be engraved on our minds and hearts:“The Ancient Beauty hath consented to be bound with chains that mankind may be released from its bondage, and hath accepted to be made a prisoner within this most mighty Stronghold that the whole world may attain unto true liberty. He hath drained to its dregs the cup of sorrow, that all the peoples of the earth may attain unto abiding joy, and be filled with gladness. This is of the mercy of your Lord, the Compassionate, the Most Merciful. We have accepted to be abased, O believers in the Unity of God, that ye may be exalted, and have suffered manifold afflictions, that ye might prosper and flourish. He Who hath come to build anew the whole world, behold, how they that have joined partners with God have forced Him to dwell within the most desolate of cities!”10
  2. When we speak about Bahá’u’lláh’s suffering, we should be careful not to present Him as a helpless victim of His enemies. He willingly accepted to be bound in chains in order to free humanity. The story of His life, although filled with accounts of great suffering, is in its essence one of triumph. With the help of the tutor of your group, can you prepare a short talk on the sufferings and victories of Bahá’u’lláh based on your current knowledge of His life? The questions below may be of assistance to you.

a. Why did Bahá’u’lláh consent to be bound with chains? __________________ _______________________________________________________________

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  1. Why did Bahá’u’lláh accept to be made a prisoner? _____________________ _______________________________________________________________
  2. Why did Bahá’u’lláh drink from the cup of sorrow? _____________________ _______________________________________________________________
  3. Why did Bahá’u’lláh accept to be abased? _____________________________ _______________________________________________________________
  4. Why did Bahá’u’lláh suffer so many afflictions? ________________________ _______________________________________________________________
  5. Did Bahá’u’lláh accept to suffer because He was powerless to do otherwise? _______________________________________________________________
  6. If Bahá’u’lláh was not powerless before His enemies, then why did He accept to suffer? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________


Alejandra’s second visit to the Sanchez home is as joyous as the first. Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez are already somewhat familiar with the story of Bahá’u’lláh’s life, but they are happy to learn more from Alejandra’s presentation and are clearly touched by the account of His sufferings. “It seems,” ponders Mrs. Sanchez at one point, “that the Manifestations of God always suffer at the hands of those who thirst after leadership and worldly power.” Alejandra decides it is appropriate to share with them the quotation she has memorized—which you, too, know from your study of the last section—in which Bahá’u’lláh speaks of the suffering He endured for the sake of humanity, that we may be freed from oppression and attain lasting happiness. All three friends feel galvanized by the discussion that day.

In contemplating her next visit, Alejandra quickly concludes that the station of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá would be a natural theme for discussion. These are the points she will make sure to cover:

The eldest Son of Bahá’u’lláh, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá is a most unique figure in human history, and we can find no personage like Him in any previous religion. He recognized the divine station of His Father while still a child and shared in His exiles and sufferings. It was under ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s care and protection that Bahá’u’lláh left the Bahá’í community after His passing. We can never fully appreciate what an immense bounty Bahá’u’lláh bestowed upon humanity by giving us not only His most sublime Revelation but also His Son, through Whose knowledge and wisdom, He said, the world would be guided and illumined.

When we study the life and utterances of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, we gain insight into the unique station that He occupies in this Dispensation. Three aspects of this station are important for us to keep in mind.

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First, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá is the Center of Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant. Bahá’u’lláh made a covenant with His followers calling upon them to direct their hearts towards that center and be entirely loyal to it. In His Will and Testament, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá named Shoghi Effendi, the Guardian of the Faith, to be the center to which all should turn after His passing. Today, this center is the Universal House of Justice, which has been established in accordance with the explicit command of Bahá’u’lláh and the clear instructions given by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and the Guardian. The power of the Covenant holds the Bahá’í community together and protects it from division and disintegration.

Second, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá is the unerring Interpreter of Bahá’u’lláh’s words. So vast is the Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh, so profound the meanings enshrined in His utterances, that He deemed it necessary to leave behind an interpreter, One Whom He would Himself inspire. Thus, for generations to come, humanity will be able to understand Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings by studying the interpretations of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in His numerous Tablets and in the authenticated transcripts of His talks. The Guardian was the Interpreter of Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings after ‘Abdu’l-Bahá; with him the task of interpretation was complete, and no one has the authority to interpret Bahá’u’lláh’s words for the remainder of His Dispensation.

In the past, every religion has been afflicted with divisions over the different interpretations of passages from its Sacred Scriptures. But in this Dispensation, when there is uncertainty about the meaning of a statement of Bahá’u’lláh, everyone turns to the interpretations of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and the Guardian. If uncertainty remains, one can turn to the Universal House of Justice for clarification. No room is left, then, for conflict over the meaning of the teachings, and the unity of the Faith is protected.

Third, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá is the perfect Exemplar of His Father’s teachings. Although we can never hope to reach such a degree of perfection, we should always have Him before our eyes and strive to follow His example. When we read in the Writings about love, we can turn to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and we will see the very essence of love and kindness. When we read about purity, justice, rectitude, joy and generosity, we can turn to Him and think of His life, and we will see how He manifested these qualities to the utmost perfection.

The mark of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s life was, of course, His servitude. The name ‘Abdu’l- Bahá means “the servant of Bahá”, and this was the title He preferred over all the others that were attributed to Him. The following words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá are the expression of His ardent desire to serve:

“My name is ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. My qualification is ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. My reality is ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. My praise is ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Thraldom to the Blessed Perfection is my glorious and refulgent diadem, and servitude to all the human race my perpetual religion . . . No name, no title, no mention, no commendation have I, nor will ever have, except ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. This is my longing. This is my greatest yearning. This is my eternal life. This is my everlasting glory.”11

Clearly what Alejandra plans to share with the Sanchezes in her next visit is no more than an introduction to a most unique figure; their appreciation of the station occupied by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in this Dispensation will continue to grow in the years to come. In your own life, as you walk the path of service, you will have many opportunities to call His example to mind and to reflect on His words. Already, in the previous unit, you familiarized yourself

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with some of His utterances, and you were encouraged to learn to express in the manner He did ideas set forth in His Tablets and public talks. For now, to consolidate your present understanding of His station, you should consult with the other members of your group on the main points mentioned above and practice saying them well. Reflection on the passage quoted will inspire you in your efforts to advance on the path of service.


A question that has been on Alejandra’s mind since she began her visits with Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez is what themes of discussion will help them most to become confirmed and active protagonists of the community-building process in the neighborhood. On the one hand, there are themes like prayer, the immortality of the soul, and steadfastness in the love of God that she hopes to discuss with them, for the foundations of their spiritual life must be continually reinforced. On the other, it will be important for them to gain a vision of the kind of community that is gradually being developed and know that they can make valuable contributions to its realization. During her conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez about the station of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Alejandra gradually comes to realize what the theme of her next visit should be. “They have a great deal of clarity about the purpose of the Faith to unite people,” she thinks. “So, the theme we should probably explore now is how to build and maintain a unified community.”

Alejandra begins her fourth visit by describing the activities that are currently being undertaken by a relatively small group of friends in the neighborhood. “As our numbers increase,” she explains, “the most challenging responsibility we all must shoulder will be to become more and more united in our words, in our thoughts, and in our actions. If you agree, then, today we can explore the theme of unity together.”

“I can see how important unity is to the development of our community,” responds Mrs. Sanchez.

“And after all it was Bahá’u’lláh’s message of unity that first attracted our hearts to His teachings,” says Mr. Sanchez.

“I have chosen a number of ideas and have found a quotation for each,” says Alejandra. “If you don’t mind, we can go through them one by one and discuss them.”

Below is Alejandra’s list of ideas:

For our community to be truly united, every one of us must avoid strife and contention. Bahá’u’lláh states:

“Nothing whatever can, in this Day, inflict a greater harm upon this Cause than dissension and strife, contention, estrangement and apathy, among the loved ones of God. Flee them, through the power of God and His sovereign aid, and strive ye to knit together the hearts of men, in His Name, the Unifier, the All- Knowing, the All-Wise.”12

• We should have love for everyone in the community, a love that is a reflection of our love for God. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá says:

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“Be in perfect unity. Never become angry with one another. . . . Love the creatures for the sake of God and not for themselves. You will never become angry or impatient if you love them for the sake of God. Humanity is not perfect. There are imperfections in every human being, and you will always become unhappy if you look toward the people themselves. But if you look toward God, you will love them and be kind to them, for the world of God is the world of perfection and complete mercy.”13

If, with all the love we feel for one another, tensions arise among us, we should immediately remember this counsel of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá:

“I charge you all that each one of you concentrate all the thoughts of your heart on love and unity. When a thought of war comes, oppose it by a stronger thought of peace. A thought of hatred must be destroyed by a more powerful thought of love. Thoughts of war bring destruction to all harmony, well-being, restfulness and content.

“Thoughts of love are constructive of brotherhood, peace, friendship, and happiness.”14

And if, having made every effort to control them, we see our passions overtaking us and find ourselves in conflict with others, we should remind ourselves of these words of Bahá’u’lláh:

“If any differences arise amongst you, behold Me standing before your face, and overlook the faults of one another for My name’s sake and as a token of your love for My manifest and resplendent Cause.”15

The spiritual discipline of overlooking the faults of others, focusing on their praiseworthy qualities and abstaining totally from backbiting is a most effective measure against disunity. Overcoming the inclination to backbite is easier when we love one another. We should remember that we tend not to see the faults of those we love and have no difficulty looking upon them with a sin-covering eye. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá says:

“The imperfect eye beholds imperfections. The eye that covers faults looks toward the Creator of souls. He created them, trains and provides for them, endows them with capacity and life, sight and hearing; therefore, they are the signs of His grandeur. You must love and be kind to everybody, care for the poor, protect the weak, heal the sick, teach and educate the ignorant.”16

Bahá’u’lláh exhorts us:

“O Companion of My Throne! Hear no evil, and see no evil, abase not thyself, neither sigh and weep. Speak no evil, that thou mayest not hear it spoken unto thee, and magnify not the faults of others that thine own faults may not appear great; and wish not the abasement of anyone, that thine own abasement be not exposed. Live then the days of thy life, that are less than a fleeting moment, with thy mind stainless, thy heart unsullied, thy thoughts pure, and thy nature sanctified, so that, free and content, thou mayest put away this mortal frame, and repair unto the mystic paradise and abide in the eternal kingdom forevermore.”17

50 – Arising to Serve

And He tells us:

“O Emigrants! The tongue I have designed for the mention of Me, defile it not with detraction. If the fire of self overcome you, remember your own faults and not the faults of My creatures, inasmuch as every one of you knoweth his own self better than he knoweth others.”18

  • Unity is not merely the absence of strife and dissension, and love is not to be expressed in words alone. We can only claim that true unity exists among us if our love for one another is translated into service to the community and if our activities are governed by a spirit of cooperation and mutual aid. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá calls upon us:“Rest not, even for an instant, and seek not comfort, even for a moment; rather labor with heart and soul that thou mayest render devoted service to but one amongst the friends and bring happiness and joy to but one luminous heart. This is true bounty, and by it the brow of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá is illumined. Be thou my partner and associate therein.”19

    And He states:

    “The supreme need of humanity is cooperation and reciprocity. The stronger the ties of fellowship and solidarity amongst men, the greater will be the power of constructiveness and accomplishment in all the planes of human activity.”20

  • A most important key to successful community action is frank and loving consultation on all matters. Through consultation, the various ways we each look at an issue merge together, and we discover what direction we should follow in our collective actions. Through consultation, we achieve unity of thought, and with our thoughts and views united, we create effective plans for the progress of our communities. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá says of those who consult:“The prime requisites for them that take counsel together are purity of motive, radiance of spirit, detachment from all else save God, attraction to His Divine Fragrances, humility and lowliness amongst His loved ones, patience and long- suffering in difficulties and servitude to His exalted Threshold. Should they be graciously aided to acquire these attributes, victory from the unseen Kingdom of Bahá shall be vouchsafed to them.”21
  • Unity of thought is unfulfilled if it is not translated into unity of action. Acting in unity does not mean that we all do the same thing. On the contrary, in unified action the diverse talents of the members of a community are used to the fullest. Our powers multiply, and even when our numbers are still small, we are able to achieve what most large and powerful organizations in the world are incapable of accomplishing. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá says:“Whensoever holy souls, drawing on the powers of heaven, shall arise with such qualities of the spirit, and march in unison, rank on rank, every one of those souls will be even as one thousand, and the surging waves of that mighty ocean will be even as the battalions of the Concourse on high.”22

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After you have read the above carefully and discussed the content point by point with the participants in your group, you will want to help one another practice presenting the theme as you have done with the previous three. You will find the exercises below of some assistance to your efforts.

1. Complete the following sentences:

  1. Nothing whatever can, in this Day, inflict a greater harm upon this Cause than __________________________ and strife, contention, estrangement and apathy, among the loved ones of God.
  2. Nothing whatever can, in this Day, inflict a greater harm upon this Cause than dissension and ___________________ , contention, estrangement and apathy, among the loved ones of God.
  3. ______________________ whatever can, in this Day, inflict a greater harm upon this Cause than dissension and strife, contention, estrangement and apathy, among the loved ones of God.
  4. Nothing whatever can, in this Day, inflict a greater harm upon this Cause than dissension and strife, contention, estrangement and _________________ , among the loved ones of God.
  5. Nothing whatever can, in this Day, inflict a greater harm upon this Cause than dissension and strife, _______________________ , estrangement and apathy, among the loved ones of God.
  6. Nothing whatever can, in this Day, inflict a greater harm upon this Cause than dissension and strife, contention, _______________________ and apathy, among the loved ones of God.
  7. Nothing whatever can, in this Day, inflict a greater harm upon this _____________ than dissension and strife, contention, estrangement and apathy, among the loved ones of God.

2. In

the second quotation, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá tells us:

  1. We must live in perfect _______________ .
  2. We must never become ______________ with ______________________ .
  3. We must love all people for the ______________________________ and notfor themselves.
  4. We will never become ______________ or ___________________ if we love people for the ______________________________ .

52 – Arising to Serve

3. In

the third quotation, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá tells us:

  1. Humanity is not _________________ .
  2. We will always become _________________ if we look toward _______________ ______________________________ .
  3. If we look toward _____________ , we will ________________ people and be ________________ to them.
  1. We must each concentrate all the thoughts of our heart on _______________ and ________________ .
  2. When a thought of war comes, we should oppose it by _______________________ ___________________________________ .
  3. A thought of hatred can be destroyed by _______________________________ __________________________________ .
  4. Thoughts of war bring destruction to all ________________ , ________________ , ____________________ and _______________ .
  5. Thoughts of love are constructive of ___________________ , _____________ , ___________________ , and ___________________ .
  1. What should you do when you see differences arising between yourself and others in the community? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
  2. Describe the spiritual discipline that helps you contribute towards unity in your community: ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
  3. Which of the following contribute to unity?____ Looking at the shortcomings of others
    ____ Overlooking the faults of others
    ____ Commenting on the shortcomings of another person to a friend ____ Exaggerating or changing a story to make another person look bad ____ Thinking of the faults of others

Deepening Themes – 53

  1. Why do we criticize some people when they make a mistake, but not others when they do the exact same thing? __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
  2. Is it possible to have unity in a situation where people are backbiting about one another? Why not? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
  3. To tell a lie about someone is obviously wrong. But is it all right to make critical remarks about someone to others for something he or she has actually done? ____ __________________________________________________________________
  4. What is the difference between gossiping, backbiting, and criticizing others? ____ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
  5. What effects do gossip, backbiting, and constant criticism have on a community? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
  6. How can we eliminate these habits from our lives? _________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
  7. What would happen if we only spoke about people as though they were present? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

54 – Arising to Serve

  1. If we backbite in front of children, what effect will it have on them? __________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
  2. Where does the tendency to gossip and engage in backbiting come from? ______ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
  3. Bahá’u’lláh exhorts us: “If the fire of self overcome you, _______________________ ______________________ and not _______________________________________ , inasmuch as every one of you knoweth ______________________ better than he ________________________ .”
  4. Love is not merely expressed in words. What else is needed? ________________ __________________________________________________________________
  5. In relation to unity and love, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá calls upon us: “___________ not, even for an instant, and ___________ not ______________ , even for a moment; rather _______________ with __________________________ that thou mayest render ________________________ to but one amongst the friends and ______________ ______________________________ to but one luminous heart.”
  6. And He further states: “The supreme need of humanity is _____________________ and ___________________ . The stronger the ties of _____________________ and _____________ amongst men, the greater will be the power of __________________ and ____________________ in all the planes of human activity.”
  7. What is the most important key to successful community action? _____________ __________________________________________________________________
  8. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá says of those who consult: “The prime requisites for them that take counsel together are _____________________________ , _________________ ____________ , ___________________________________________________ , ________________________________________________ , _________________ ______________________ amongst His loved ones, ________________________ _______________________ in difficulties and ________________ to His exalted Threshold. Should they be graciously aided to acquire these attributes, ______________ from the unseen Kingdom of Bahá shall be _________________________________ .”

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22. Regarding the power of working in unity, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá tells us: “Whensoever holy souls, drawing on the ________________________________ , shall arise with such ____________________________________ , and march _______________ , rank on rank, ________________ of those souls will be even as _____________________ , and the surging waves of that mighty ocean will be even as the ___________________ of the ____________________________ .”


During her fourth visit with Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez, Alejandra has the pleasure of meeting Beatrice, a granddaughter who has come to live with them while attending a nearby high school. Beatrice is very curious about the theme of unity and enthusiastically participates in the discussion. As the conversation draws to a close, Mrs. Sanchez brings out some coffee and cake for everyone. This gives Alejandra an opportunity to get to know Beatrice a little better, and she arranges to meet her the next day to talk about the community-building efforts in the neighborhood. “She may be interested in studying the main sequence of courses,” Alejandra thinks to herself. “I could help her go through the first few books at a steady pace. She may then want to start a children’s class or assist me with the junior youth group forming in the neighborhood. In that case, she could gradually take on more responsibility for the group as she advances all the way up to Book 5, which will prepare her to serve as an animator.” Alejandra has attended several gatherings for youth which, focused on certain topics of discussion, have led to the participation of many in the institute process. She decides she will follow the same sequence of ideas in her conversation with Beatrice the next day. This is how the conversation opens:

All of us want to see the world become a better place. We look forward to a future when universal peace has been established and the human family lives in harmony. Such a future is not a dream and can be built as more and more of us exert effort to contribute to the betterment of the world. Deep in our hearts each of us has the desire to serve our communities. What we need is to develop our capacity to undertake selfless acts of service for the common good.

We can think about our service to humanity by imagining a path of service on which we walk together. This path is open to all. We each make the choice to enter it, and we advance on it at our own pace. We do not walk this path alone; we serve alongside our friends, learning together and accompanying one another. Every step we take generates joy and assurance, and every effort we make brings divine confirmations.

Beatrice likes what she is hearing, and a lively conversation ensues after this short presentation. Before going any further, let us pause here and reflect on the nature of the interaction between the two new friends. Alejandra has decided to engage in a conversation of substance in order to invite Beatrice to participate in the institute process. Why would it not have been sufficient for her to simply tell Beatrice that a series of courses are being offered by the institute and invite her to join them?


56 – Arising to Serve



The conversation between Alejandra and Beatrice continues for some two hours. Below are several additional ideas Alejandra shares with her new friend. We understand, of course, that she does not make a long uninterrupted presentation. Much of the two hours is spent deliberating together on the ideas outlined in these paragraphs:

We are young, we have energy, and we have great enthusiasm. People assume we are carefree. But it is the opposite; we are concerned with the plight of humanity and would like to see real change brought to society. And we must also think about our own lives—education, work, friends, family. Each year as we grow older, we find ourselves shouldering more responsibilities; our parents expect much from us. Sometimes, when I think of all my responsibilities, I feel overwhelmed. Then I remember a quote from the Bahá’í writings I have memorized: “Man’s life has its springtime and is endowed with marvelous glory. The period of youth is characterized by strength and vigor and stands out as the choicest time in human life.”

What I would like to share with you is that many young people around the world in communities like ours are realizing that their energies can be directed by a twofold purpose: to take charge of their own intellectual and spiritual growth and to contribute tothetransformationofsociety. Thesetwoaspectsofourpurposeareinterconnected. As we develop our own capabilities, we are better able to serve others, and in helping one another, we grow as individuals and strengthen the qualities we possess.

This is where the idea of a path of service I mentioned before comes in. Walking it is not something we just add to our lives; it brings meaning to everything we do. Service to the community helps us to understand better the purpose of our education, to clarify our thoughts about the future, to develop the qualities we need to contribute to the well-being of our families. It strengthens our friendships. It keeps us from dissipating our energies on trivial pursuits.

In thinking about our spiritual and intellectual growth, we must be aware of the many forces that influence us. Some of them, like the forces of knowledge, of justice, and of love, move us in the right direction, and we must learn to align ourselves with them. Others, like the forces of materialism and self-centeredness, do the opposite, and we should resist them. We must strive to achieve excellence and have faith that our efforts will be blessed with divine confirmation.

And in thinking about our contributions to the transformation of society—transforming a world of violence, poverty, and suffering into a world of peace, prosperity, and harmony—we must consider both material and spiritual progress. Material progress for all people will not be attained if we do not make spiritual progress as well. Only

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if these two go hand in hand will the betterment of the world be achieved. There is another quotation I have committed to memory: “Material civilization is like unto the lamp, while spiritual civilization is the light in that lamp. If the material and spiritual civilization become united, then we will have the light and the lamp together, and the outcome will be perfect.”

As we walk the path of service, we learn to work with groups of individuals, particularly children and junior youth, helping them to acquire knowledge, skills, and spiritual qualities. We also learn to pay attention to the unity of our communities. Individuals, families, and organizations that wish to contribute to the progress of a community must collaborate. They must build a shared vision and purpose and leave behind the ways of conflict.

It is important, then, that as youth we develop the habits of harmonious interaction with others. We need to be friends: accompanying one another in the work we do, accepting each other’s contributions, encouraging and supporting one another, seeing each other’s strengths, seeking and giving useful advice to each other, and taking joy in the accomplishments of one another. In treading the path of service, we must act, reflect on our actions, consult and study together.

Over the past few decades, the Bahá’í community has succeeded in establishing a very special kind of institution of learning in practically every country of the world. These institutes, which is how we refer to them, offer courses that strengthen our capabilities to serve the community. By studying these courses, we gain the spiritual insights and the practical skills needed to move forward on the path of service together. As we advance through them, our capacity to carry out increasingly complex acts of service grows. All along, we are accompanied by those who are more experienced than we are and, in time, we naturally come to accompany friends with less experience. From the start, we are all protagonists of personal and social transformation, eagerly assuming responsibility for our own learning and for service to the community.

“To be a protagonist” means to have the will to act thoughtfully, to persevere in our endeavors, and to gain and apply knowledge at every step. A protagonist is not a mere passive receiver of benefits but an active contributor to progress. To be a protagonist one must learn to exercise creative and disciplined initiative. The institute courses help us enhance our capacity to be protagonists of the community-building process.

We should take a moment to reflect on the ideas in the above paragraphs. As mentioned at the beginning of the section, Alejandra would not simply present the ideas one after the other but would make sure that Beatrice has ample opportunity to think about them and contribute to the discussion. What you may wish to consider—after you have had a chance to discuss every paragraph in your group and have learned to express the ideas well yourself—is whether the conversation has developed to the point that Alejandra would feel confident in sharing a few words about some of the courses of the Ruhi Institute and in inviting Beatrice to join the study of Book 1. Can you write down in the space below what you would say if you were in her place? How would you describe Books 1 and 2 and the acts of service they call for? A brief reference to acts of service taken up in subsequent books—particularly to teaching classes for the spiritual education of children and to guiding a junior youth group as its animator—would undoubtedly help Beatrice gain a vision of what service she could render in the future. The tutor of your group can assist you in writing a few sentences on these two acts of service, similar to what Alejandra might add in inviting Beatrice to study Book 1.

58 – Arising to Serve



Two weeks pass before Alejandra makes her next visit to the Sanchez home. During that time, Beatrice was able to participate in an intensive campaign and complete the first two units of Book 1. She is now going through the third unit with a group of five friends that meets twice a week in the neighborhood. Alejandra thinks it is opportune to converse with the Sanchez family on the theme of prayer and asks Beatrice whether she would like to assist her. You have yourself studied the second unit of Book 1, so there is no need to summarize for you here the content covered by Alejandra and Beatrice during the visit. After reviewing the unit, you should be able to set out the main points you would try to address in a discussion around this theme. Below is space for you to write down your ideas.


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Alejandra’s visits to the Sanchez family continue for some weeks to come, and they have an opportunity to discuss several themes that flow naturally from their deliberations on the significance of prayer—the life of the soul, the development of spiritual qualities, obedience to the laws and ordinances of God and steadfastness in His love. On one occasion, they also converse a little about the institutions of the Administrative Order, particularly about Local and National Spiritual Assemblies. We need not consider the content covered during each of these subsequent visits. There are, however, two questions that often arise among participants in a series of conversations such as the one we are envisioning. The first has to do with the nature of meetings held by the community and the second with financial resources. We will take up the subject of meetings, specifically the Nineteen Day Feast, in this section and look at the question of finances in the next.

The following points, then, could form the basis for a conversation on the theme of the Nineteen Day Feast:

60 – Arising to Serve

In the Bahá’í community, gatherings are held for various purposes—to pray, to study, to celebrate special occasions, to consult on community affairs and service to society, to discuss plans of action. Bahá’u’lláh makes the following promise:

“By My life and My Cause! Round about whatever dwelling the friends of God may enter, and from which their cry shall rise as they praise and glorify the Lord, shall circle the souls of true believers and all the favored angels.”23

Listening to the Word of God in gatherings among friends brings joy to the hearts and strengthens bonds of unity. Bahá’u’lláh exhorts us:

“It behooveth the friends in whatever land they be, to gather together in meetings, and therein to speak wisely and with eloquence, and to read the verses of God; for it is God’s Words that kindle love’s fire and set it ablaze.”24

‘Abdu’l-Bahá writes:

“Hold gatherings and recite and chant the heavenly Teachings, that perchance that country may be illumined with the light of truth and that land may, through the confirmations of the Holy Spirit, become even as a delectable paradise, for this age is the century of the All-Glorious Lord, and the melody of the oneness of the world of humanity is reaching the ears throughout the East and the West.”25

Of all Bahá’í meetings, the Nineteen Day Feast deserves particular mention. The Bahá’í calendar consists of nineteen months of nineteen days each, and, in every locality, Bahá’ís gather together once a month for this meeting as enjoined by Bahá’u’lláh Himself:

“Verily, it is enjoined upon you to offer a feast, once in every month, though only water be served; for God hath purposed to bind hearts together, albeit through both earthly and heavenly means.”26

The Nineteen Day Feast consists of three parts. The first is the devotional part, during which prayers are recited and passages from the Sacred Writings read. The second is the administrative part, during which consultation on the affairs of the community takes place. The third is the social part.

We get a glimpse of the importance of the devotional part of the Nineteen Day Feast from the following words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá:

“O ye loyal servants of the Ancient Beauty! In every cycle and dispensation, the feast hath been favored and loved, and the spreading of a table for the lovers of God hath been considered a praiseworthy act. This is especially the case today, in this dispensation beyond compare, this most generous of ages, when it is highly acclaimed, for it is truly accounted among such gatherings as are held to worship and glorify God. Here the holy verses, the heavenly odes and laudations are intoned, and the heart is quickened, and carried away from itself.”27

During the administrative part of the Feast, the friends gathered hear reports of the activities of Bahá’í communities near and far, consult on the affairs of the Faith in their own community and on their contributions to the well-being of society, become familiar

• •

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with guidance received from the Universal House of Justice, reflect on the progress of their plans, and offer suggestions to the institutions of the Faith. Consultations at the Nineteen Day Feast are of the utmost importance, for, through this means, every individual is able to participate in the affairs of the worldwide Bahá’í community.

  • As to the social part of the Feast, this is time for comradeship and hospitality. Music can be played, uplifting talks given, and presentations made by the children. In short, carefully selected expressions of culture, at once dignified and joyful, can be used to enrich this part of the Feast.
  • The Nineteen Day Feast is a significant feature of the Administrative Order of the Faith. It brings together the devotional, administrative, and social aspects of community life. All these aspects should be equally emphasized, for the success of the Feast depends on the right balance among these three components. In a message written in August 1989, the Universal House of Justice states:“The World Order of Bahá’u’lláh encompasses all units of human society; integrates the spiritual, administrative and social processes of life; and canalizes human expression in its varied forms towards the construction of a new civilization. The Nineteen Day Feast embraces all these aspects at the very base of society. Functioning in the village, the town, the city, it is an institution of which all the people of Bahá are members. It is intended to promote unity, ensure progress, and foster joy.”28
  • Such an important event as the Nineteen Day Feast cannot be put together in haste. Through prayer and reflection, each individual must spiritually prepare himself or herself for the Feast, and during the event itself, everyone should participate with heart and mind, whether reading in the devotional part or merely listening to the passages being recited; whether giving reports, receiving guidance, or making suggestions; whether acting as the host or simply partaking of his or her hospitality with joy and radiance. In the same letter on the Nineteen Day Feast, the Universal House of Justice states:“Important aspects of the preparation of the Feast include the proper selection of readings, the assignment, in advance, of good readers, and a sense of decorum both in the presentation and the reception of the devotional program. Attention to the environment in which the Feast is to be held, whether indoors or outdoors, greatly influences the experience. Cleanliness, arrangement of the space in practical and decorative ways—all play a significant part. Punctuality is also a measure of good preparation.

    “To a very large extent, the success of the Feast depends on the quality of the preparation and participation of the individual. The beloved Master offers the following advice: ‘Give ye great weight to the Nineteen Day gatherings, so that on these occasions the beloved of the Lord and the handmaids of the Merciful may turn their faces toward the Kingdom, chant the communes, beseech God’s help, become joyfully enamored each of the other, and grow in purity and holiness, and in the fear of God, and in resistance to passion and self. Thus will they separate themselves from this elemental world, and immerse themselves in the ardors of the spirit.’”29

62 – Arising to Serve

As always, you should read through the above ideas several times and discuss them in your group so that you learn to say them with ease. The following exercises will help you gain further insight into the signficance of the Nineteen Day Feast:

  1. What does Bahá’u’lláh assure us will characterize every dwelling in which we gather together to praise and glorify the Lord? __________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
  2. In the second quotation above, Bahá’u’lláh tells us that, when we come together in meetings, we should speak _____________ and with ________________ , and read the _______________________________ ; for it is God’s Words that ______________ ___________________ and ________________________ .
  3. In the third quotation above, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá advises us to hold gatherings and recite and chant the heavenly Teachings, that
    • −  the country in which we live may be ___________________________________ .
    • −  the land where we reside may become __________________________________ ____________________________________________________ .
  4. How many months are there in the Bahá’í calendar? ________________________
  5. How many days are in each month? _____________________________________
  6. What special gathering takes place among Bahá’ís once a month? _____________ __________________________________________________________________
  7. What are the three parts of the Nineteen Day Feast? ________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
  8. Are the parts of the Nineteen Day Feast carried out in any order? _____________
  9. What is the purpose of the devotional part of the Feast? _____________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
  10. What is the purpose of the administrative part of the Feast? __________________ __________________________________________________________________

Deepening Themes – 63

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

  1. What is the purpose of the social part of the Feast? ________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
  2. Which of the following topics would it be appropriate to discuss during the administrative part of the Feast?
    • ____  The financial needs of community undertakings
    • ____  The scores of the national football team
    • ____  How to solve a disagreement between two members of the community
    • ____  The progress of Bahá’í children’s classes in the community
    • ____  The meaning of a passage from the Writings one of the members of the community was studying earlier in the week
    • ____  The vibrancy of the junior youth program in the community
    • ____  Local job opportunities opening up for young people
    • ____  The support the community can provide to junior youth groups whose service projects have become complex
    • ____  Visits to parents of children and junior youth in the educational programs promoted by the institute
    • ____  The strengthening of the devotional character of the community
    • ____  The schedule of shows being aired on television
    • ____  The insights that have been gained about fostering a joyful and disciplined atmosphere in study circles
    • ____  The celebration of the upcoming Holy Day
    • ____  Initiatives of social action arising from the community-building process
  3. Discuss the following question with your group: Why is balance among the three parts of the Feast so important?
  4. Now discuss the two questions below.
    1. How would you prepare for the Feast if you were hosting it?
    2. How would you prepare for the Feast if you were only participating in it?

64 – Arising to Serve


The second question that often arises in conversations about the Faith is how the Bahá’í community meets its financial needs. Here are a few points that may help you respond to such queries:

  • The instrument that the Bahá’í community uses to take care of its material needs is the Bahá’í Fund. It is administered by the institutions of the Faith at different levels: local, national, continental, and international. Bahá’ís believe they should themselves shoulder the expenses of endeavors to promote their Faith, and therefore the Fund receives contributions only from members of the community.
  • Contributing to the Fund is a voluntary act. It is confidential in the sense that it is a matter between the individual and the institutions of the Faith; names of contributors and amounts given are not announced. No pressure is placed on the members of the community to contribute. The institutions make general appeals to the community, remind it of the importance of the Fund, and point out its requirements. Not infrequently, a community will set a contribution goal for itself. But amounts are never fixed for individuals, and money is not solicited. It is left to each individual to decide, according to his or her understanding of the principles involved, how much to contribute.
  • The civilization we are trying to build will be a prosperous one, both materially and spiritually. Wealth is acceptable only if certain conditions are met. We should acquire it through honest work. We should spend it for the good of humanity. And the entire community should be uplifted; it is not acceptable for a few to be extremely rich while the majority are in want of the bare necessities of life. Bahá’u’lláh tells us:“The best of men are they that earn a livelihood by their calling and spend upon themselves and upon their kindred for the love of God, the Lord of all worlds.”30

    “. . . ye must give forth goodly and wondrous fruits, that ye yourselves and others may profit therefrom. Thus it is incumbent on every one to engage in crafts and professions, for therein lies the secret of wealth, O men of understanding!”31

    And ‘Abdu’l-Bahá explains:

    “Wealth is most commendable, provided the entire population is wealthy. If, however, a few have inordinate riches while the rest are impoverished, and no fruit or benefit accrues from that wealth, then it is only a liability to its possessor.”32

  • To build a society that is free from injustice and misery, we must all be generous and giving. Even if our financial resources are meager, we should still contribute something towards the progress of humanity, for true prosperity can only be achieved through giving. Generosity is a quality of the human soul; it has nothing to do with our material circumstances. In the Hidden Words, Bahá’u’lláh says:“To give and to be generous are attributes of Mine; well is it with him that adorneth himself with My virtues.”33
  • We should remember that the true source of whatever wealth we possess is God, the All-Bountiful. He provides us with our means of existence; He makes it possible

Deepening Themes – 65

for us to progress. And when we contribute to the Fund, we are spending for His Cause a portion of what He has given to us. For Bahá’ís, then, giving to the Fund is not merely a matter of generosity; it is also a spiritual bounty and a great individual responsibility. The Guardian advises us:

“We must be like the fountain or spring that is continually emptying itself of all that it has and is continually being refilled from an invisible source. To be continually giving out for the good of our fellows undeterred by fear of poverty and reliant on the unfailing bounty of the Source of all wealth and all good—this is the secret of right living.”34

You will have an opportunity to consider some of the ideas here in greater depth in a later course in this sequence, which addresses the subject of material means. For now, you are encouraged, as always, to discuss the content above point by point and to carry out the following exercises so that you learn to express the ideas naturally and with ease:

1. On the basis of the quotations, fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

  1. Bahá’u’lláh tells us that we should earn a _________________ by our calling and spend it upon _____________________________________________________ .
  2. We should give forth _____________ and ________________ fruits, that we ourselves and others ________________________________ .
  3. Every one of us should _____________ in ___________ and ________________ , for therein lies the ________________ of _______________ .
  4. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá explains that wealth is _________________________ , provided the __________________________ is wealthy.
  5. If ______________ have inordinate ______________ while the ___________ are _____________________ , and no ____________ or _______________ comes from that ___________ , then it is only a _______________ to the ________________ .
  6. Bahá’u’lláh says, “To ____________ and to be ______________ are attributes of Mine; well is it with him that _______________ himself with My _____________ .”
  7. And the Guardian encourages us to be like the ______________ or ____________ that is continually ________________________ of all that it has and is continually ________________________________________________________________ .
  8. To be continually ____________________ for the __________ of our fellows __________________ by ___________________________ and reliant on the ________________________________________________________________ __________—this is the secret of right living.

66 – Arising to Serve

2. Write down the sequence of ideas followed in the above presentation:



To gain insight into the kinds of conversation that can unfold in a village or neighborhood teeming with activity, we have followed the efforts of Alejandra, a young university student. Over a series of visits, spanning several weeks, she has discussed with Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez a number of themes that, she hopes, will help deepen their knowledge of the Faith and strengthen their commitment to the teachings they have embraced. Eventually, the arrival on the scene of Beatrice, the Sanchezes’ granddaughter, enabled us to examine another kind of conversation, this one between two youth, both eager to learn how they can serve their communities. In proceeding through the account and in carrying out the exercises, we have seen that, in addition to a growing knowledge of the relevant subjects, certain spiritual qualities, attitudes and skills are required to sustain the conversations we are considering here.

In this and the next section of the unit we will explore themes of a different type— that is, those generally taken up for discussion during visits to families with youngsters participating in the educational programs promoted by the institute. As already indicated, teaching classes for children and guiding a junior youth group as an animator are acts of service addressed in subsequent courses, in Books 3 and 5 respectively. You may or may not be familiar with the corresponding two programs, depending on whether you took part in them yourself at an earlier age.

Deepening Themes – 67

Let us look, first, at the content that often forms the basis for an ongoing conversation with the families of junior youth. We will imagine that some time has passed since we left our story and that Beatrice is now studying Book 2. Alejandra asks her friend if she would like to accompany her when she visits the families of several junior youth who are going to establish a group with her assistance. She eagerly accepts.

Alejandra explains to Beatrice what she envisions. “We will begin each visit,” she informs her, “by introducing the parents to the program their son or daughter has shown an interest in joining and by mentioning that it is part of the community-building process moving forward in the neighborhood. We will then explore with them some of the concepts and ideas central to the program. This will be the first of a series of visits, and our hope is that, as the conversation advances over time, the family will not only actively support the group in a variety of ways but become the promoters of the spiritual empowerment of the junior youth in the community.”

Alejandra and Beatrice go on to discuss some points they plan to raise with each family. They decide to write down all the ideas they think important, knowing they will cover only a few in the first visit and will address the rest in subsequent conversations. Here are the points they enumerate about the potentialities of junior youth:

  • In the life of an individual, the three years between the ages of 12 and 15 are a crucial period—a stage of transition from childhood to maturity.
  • We often refer to young people in this age range as “junior youth”. They are no longer children but have not yet reached the fullness of youth.
  • Unfortunately, there is an erroneous yet widely propagated image of junior youth as impulsive, rebellious, self-absorbed and prone to constant crisis. We, however, see them in a different light. It is true that, during this short period of life, we all experience rapid changes, physically, emotionally, and mentally. And it is also true that, as a result, we may show some rebelliousness. But, in reality, this is an age of great potential and of great promise.
  • We ourselves were junior youth not so long ago and remember how we were affected by these changes. Sometimes we were courageous and sometimes timid. Sometimes we were quite sociable and other times very shy. We often expressed the desire to be left alone, while hoping to receive attention. We wanted to understand what things we were good at and what talents and abilities we have. And it mattered to us greatly how other people saw us and what they thought of our ideas.
  • What is important to realize is that this kind of behavior is only temporary. In the life of a human being it is during these years that certain powers of the mind develop rapidly. We begin to seek answers to fundamental questions of existence. We analyze what goes on around us and question much of what we have been taught. And we are not as willing as we once were to follow automatically what adults tell us to do, especially when we see contradictions between their words and actions.
  • If young people are to be assisted in applying fruitfully their emerging powers, it is essential to avoid treating them as children. Here is how ‘Abdu’l-Bahá describes this period:

68 – Arising to Serve

“After a time he enters the period of youth, in which his former conditions and needs are superseded by new requirements applicable to the advance in his degree. His faculties of observation are broadened and deepened; his intelligent capacities are trained and awakened; the limitations and environment of childhood no longer restrict his energies and accomplishments.”35

• The Universal House of Justice, the governing body of the Bahá’í Faith, says this about the approach we have adopted in working with junior youth:

“While global trends project an image of this age group as problematic, lost in the throes of tumultuous physical and emotional change, unresponsive and self- consumed, the Bahá’í community—in the language it employs and the approaches it adopts—is moving decidedly in the opposite direction, seeing in junior youth instead altruism, an acute sense of justice, eagerness to learn about the universe and a desire to contribute to the construction of a better world.”36

Alejandra and Beatrice next turn their attention to the spiritual empowerment program itself and try to identify some of its features:

  • Those between the ages of 12 and 15 yearn to belong to a group of friends with whom they can share their thoughts, work on projects, play sports, and so on. For this reason, the program is built around the concept of a “junior youth group”. Each group is guided by an “animator”, often an older youth who, as a true friend to the members, assists them in developing their capacities.
  • Groups meet regularly. In their meetings, junior youth learn to explore concepts and to express ideas with no fear of censor or ridicule. They are encouraged to listen, to speak, to reflect, to analyze, to make decisions, and to act on them.
  • We live at a time when so many negative forces affect the way junior youth think and behave. Animators help them to combat these forces—not only to protect themselves from the moral decay of society but to work for the betterment of the world.
  • The program seeks to nurture powers inherent in the human soul, powers that during early adolescence begin to manifest themselves in greater and greater degrees. Particularly important are the powers of thought and expression. Young people must develop the language needed both to express profound ideas about the world and to articulate how they want to see it change.
  • Junior youth are eager to reflect on the meaning of concepts fundamental to a purposeful life. Happiness, hope, and excellence are a few examples. Regrettably people tend to talk about these ideas in superficial ways. Gaining a deep understanding of such concepts, recognizing how they find expression in everyday life, can assist young minds in building a sound moral structure and in withstanding the negative forces of society.
  • Understanding concepts is essential to intellectual development. Junior youth can sometimes face difficulty at school because they are expected to learn a great deal of information on different subjects, without receiving sufficient help to grasp the underlying concepts. The program motivates them to think deeply about ideas—moral, mathematical, scientific, and so on—and this invariably improves their performance at school.

Deepening Themes – 69

  • Junior youth possess a great desire to make sense of things. They want to comprehend the reasons for what is happening around them. To succeed, they must be able to see not only with their physical eyes but also with the eye of the spirit. An important aim of the program, then, is the enhancement of spiritual perception: the ability to recognize spiritual forces and to identify spiritual principles in situations encountered.
  • The program achieves its various aims—the development of morals, spiritual perception, and the powers of expression—with the aid of a series of texts. The texts consist of simple stories about the lives of young people in different parts of the world. Besides studying these texts together, discussing their content and completing the required exercises, the junior youth participate in sports and learn about arts and crafts.
  • With the help of animators, groups also design and carry out a series of service projects, which is a major component of the program. Through these projects, junior youth learn to think about the community and its needs, to consult, and to collaborate among themselves and with others in the community.
  • Subjects covered by the texts are varied; each focuses on a theme essential to the spiritual empowerment of junior youth. The first text, for example, treats the theme of “confirmation”—that God confirms the efforts we make to achieve noble goals. Another text is about “hope”—how we must look with hope towards the future even during the hardest of times. Another analyzes the concept of “excellence”. “Joy” is the theme of one story, while “the power of the word” is the subject of reflection in another. Among the texts that address mathematical concepts, one explores the habits of an orderly mind. In the area of science, there is a text that focuses on taking care of one’s health—physical, mental, and spiritual. And there are a dozen or so more that junior youth study during three years.Alejandra and Beatrice plan to bring a couple of the texts with them, in case parents wish to glance through them. If you are not well acquainted with the texts, you may find it helpful to take some time to read as many of the stories as possible—this will enable you to better follow diverse conversations unfolding in the community. Meanwhile, you are encouraged to discuss fully with the other participants in your study group the ideas presented above, which are treated at greater depth in Book 5. If, after studying that book, you decide to act as an animator of a junior youth group, you will systematically visit the families of its members and explore with them these and many similar ideas. But even now, like Beatrice, you may wish to accompany someone with experience on a few visits to the families of junior youth in your community.

    SECTION 15

    The next day, Alejandra and Beatrice visit the homes of three junior youth who will be joining the new group being formed in the neighborhood. Beatrice is happy to see the enthusiasm with which the parents engage in conversation on the spiritual empowerment program. By the end of the afternoon, she is convinced that she would like to help Alejandra with the junior youth group and learn to serve as an animator of a new group herself, hopefully within the year. She realizes, of course, that she has a few institute books to complete in the meantime. But she is determined to advance in their study at the same steady pace that has gotten her this far.

70 – Arising to Serve

So it is that, with constant assistance and encouragement from Alejandra, Beatrice moves forward on the path of service. Let us resume her story again, then, a few months later, when she is just about to finish Book 3. The tutor of her study circle has asked Maribel, a children’s class teacher, to invite Beatrice and her fellow participants to accompany her, in turns, on visits to the parents of youngsters in a newly formed class for Grade 1. Beatrice feels she has learned a great deal from her study of Book 3. And she knows from Alejandra, who has mentioned it a few times, that the insights she has gained from the book will enhance her capacity to serve as an animator.

When they get together, Maribel tells Beatrice that they will be visiting the mother of Emma. “She is a delightful little girl who loves to learn,” Maribel shares. “I have already visited her parents once and explained to them the nature of a Bahá’í children’s class. They were happy to allow Emma to participate. Her mother expressed an interest in hearing more about the class, and I promised to go back and speak a little about the educational ideas underlying the material we teach. I have actually written some notes for myself. If you want, we can go through them together and talk about them.” Beatrice agrees. Here are the notes they discuss:

  • First, I will tell Mrs. Martinez how happy I am to have Emma in the class and will mention some of her wonderful qualities.
  • It seems best to begin the discussion by reading with her this quotation from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh:“Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom.”37
  • I can then share a few thoughts about how much this statement has influenced me as a teacher. My heart overflows with joy, I will say, whenever I look at the children in the class and think of them as mines full of priceless gems. Every one of them has the potential to show forth heavenly qualities. Every one of them has talents that can be discovered and developed. Every one of them can grow up to become a valuable member of society and contribute to the betterment of the world.
  • Next, I should probably give a few examples of the gems that education must strive to reveal in every child. I could mention some of the powers of the mind, say, to discover the laws of nature, to produce beautiful works of art, and to express noble thoughts. Children can begin to develop all these powers, I will explain, when they receive a proper education. But, for this to happen, they must acquire certain attributes at an early age. For example, they must learn to pay attention, to work hard when necessary, and to focus on what they are doing. They should grow into individuals who are concerned about the well-being of others and who want to serve the community. That is why it is important to attend to the development of their character at a young age.
  • This will be a good place, then, to ask Mrs. Martinez to share with us a few ideas about the kind of person she wants her daughter to be. What are some of the character traits that she thinks are important for Emma to have?
  • Among the attributes she mentions, some will, for sure, fall in the category of spiritual qualities, which is the next subject I will introduce. There are certain attributes an individual should possess, I will say, that are fundamental to human existence. They

Deepening Themes – 71

belong to the soul of the human being. We develop them as we polish the mirror of our heart so it can reflect the attributes of God. To these we refer as spiritual qualities, and the lessons we teach in our classes for Grade 1 focus mostly on these qualities.

• I think I will just go on and enumerate a few spiritual qualities addressed in the Grade 1 lessons in Book 3 and share with her the corresponding quotations. I will explain that Emma will memorize these quotations and that she could ask her daughter to recite them to her, as well as the prayers she will learn:

− Love:

“O Friend! In the garden of thy heart plant naught but the rose of love . . .”38

− Justice:

“Tread ye the path of justice, for this, verily, is the straight path.”39

− Truthfulness:

“Truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtues.”40

− Joy:

“O Son of Man! Rejoice in the gladness of thine heart, that thou mayest be worthy to meet Me and to mirror forth My beauty.”41

Maribel and Beatrice decide that the above ideas are sufficient for one visit. You will soon move on to the study of Book 3 yourself and will have an opportunity to reflect on some principles that give shape to the Ruhi Institute’s six-year program for the spiritual education of children. If, before then, the occasion arises for you to visit a few parents with a children’s class teacher, the ideas set out here will prove to be of assistance, and you should discuss them now point by point in your study group.


Earlier we read the following words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: “The stronger the ties of fellowship and solidarity amongst men, the greater will be the power of constructiveness and accomplishment in all the planes of human activity.” The Universal House of Justice tells us that, in paying visits to homes and in extending invitations to ours, we “are forging ties of spiritual kinship that foster a sense of community.” We should not underestimate, then, the effect of this practice on the culture of our growing community.

In the preceding sections we have looked at several distinct kinds of conversation that can take place during the visits we make to one another’s homes. All of us, as we walk the path of service, will participate in an expanding conversation in our village, town or neighborhood about the application of Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings to our individual and collective lives. Sometimes this will unfold in a series of formal visits organized to enable increasing numbers to deepen their knowledge of these teachings. On numerous other occasions, the educational programs of the institute, their aims and content, will be the subject of discussion.

72 – Arising to Serve

Invitations to engage in the community-building process will be extended to more and more neighbors and friends. As you look to the future, then, and to the path of service that stretches ahead of you, you should make every effort to learn the content presented in this unit well, gain experience conversing on each theme, and, of course, continue to deepen your own knowledge of Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings. Thus will be yours the never-ending joy of sharing the Word of God with others.

4,527 thoughts on “Book 2 – Section 3

  1. Sеlf-Improvеmеnt аnd succеss gо hаnd in hand. Taking thе stеps to mаkе уоursеlf а bеttеr and mоre well-roundеd individuаl will prove to be a wise dеcision.
    Thе wisе рersоn fеels thе pain оf onе аrrоw. The unwise fееls thе раin оf two.
    When lооking fоr wise wоrds, thе best ones оften cоme frоm оur elders.
    Yоu’ve hеаrd that it’s wise tо leаrn frоm еxрeriеncе, but it is wisеr tо lеаrn from the exрeriencе оf оthеrs.
    Wе tеnd to think оf grеat thinkеrs аnd innovаtors аs sоloists, but the truth is thаt the greatеst innovativе thinking doesn’t occur in а vаcuum. Innovаtion rеsults frоm collaborаtion.
    Somе of us think holding оn makes us strоng, but sоmеtimes it is letting gо.
    But whаt I’vе discоverеd оvеr time is thаt somе оf the wisest peoplе I know hаve аlsо been sоmе of thе mоst broken pеорle.
    Dоn’t waste your timе with еxрlanаtiоns, pеорle оnly hear what theу want tо heаr.
    Tо makе difficult dеcisiоns wisely, it hеlрs tо hаve a systematic procеss for аssessing eаch chоice and its cоnsеquеncеs – the рotеntiаl imраct оn eаch аspect of yоur lifе.
    Each оf us еxpеriencеs dеfeats in life. Wе cаn trаnsform dеfеаt intо victorу if we lеаrn frоm life’s whuррings.

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    FRINIKA website

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    apa yang kamu bicarakan! Terima kasih|
    Saya tidak bahkan tahu caranya saya selesai naik di sini, tetapi saya pikir ini post dulu baik.
    Aku tidak tahu siapa kamu mungkin namun pasti kamu
    pergi ke blogger terkenal jika Anda belum sudah. Semangat!|
    Cepat tanggapan sebagai balasan atas masalah ini dengan argumen padat dan menggambarkan semua tentang itu.|
    Saya tidak bahkan tahu bagaimana saya berakhir di sini, tapi saya
    pikir posting ini hebat. Saya tidak tahu siapa Anda tetapi pasti Anda akan pergi ke blogger terkenal jika Anda belum ;
    ) Cheers!|
    Kami adalah sekelompok sukarelawan dan skema mulai baru di
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    Hargai postingan ini. Biarkan aku mencobanya.|
    Mengajukan pertanyaan sebenarnya baik hal jika Anda tidak memahami sesuatu sepenuhnya, namun karya tulis memberi
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    Terima kasih, Saya telah baru-baru ini telah mencari info kira-kira subjek ini selama dan milikmu adalah terhebat saya telah menemukan sejauh ini.
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    Omong-omong, bagaimana bisa kita menjaga korespondensi?|
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    dalam hal ini, terima kasih telah berbagi.
    . . . . .|
    Hari ini, saya pergi ke beach dengan kids saya.
    Saya menemukan kerang laut dan memberikannya kepada putri
    saya yang berusia 4 tahun dan berkata, “Anda dapat mendengar suara laut jika Anda meletakkan ini di telinga Anda.” Dia
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    dalam dan mencubit telinganya. Dia tidak pernah ingin kembali!

    LoL Aku tahu ini benar-benar di luar topik tapi aku harus memberitahu seseorang!|
    Tetap terus menulis, kerja bagus!|
    Hei, saya tahu ini di luar topik, tetapi saya bertanya-tanyang jika Anda mengetahui widget apa pun yang dapat saya tambahkan ke blog saya yang secara otomatis men-tweet pembaruan twitter terbaru saya.
    Saya telah mencari plug-in seperti ini untuk beberapa
    waktu dan berharap mungkin Anda akan memiliki pengalaman dengan sesuatu
    seperti ini. Tolong beri tahu saya jika Anda mengalami sesuatu.
    Saya sangat menikmati membaca blog Anda dan saya menantikan pembaruan baru Anda.|
    Saat ini terdengar seperti Expression Engine adalah platform blogging top tersedia sekarang juga.

    (dari apa yang saya baca) Apakah itu yang kamu gunakan di blogmu?|
    Ah, ini adalah sangat postingan yang bagus.
    Meluangkan beberapa menit dan upaya nyata menciptakan hebat
    artikel… tapi apa yang bisa saya katakan… saya menunda-nunda banyak dan tidak
    pernah berhasil mendapatkan hampir semuanya selesai.|
    Wow itu aneh. Saya baru saja menulis komentar yang sangat panjang tetapi setelah saya mengeklik kirim,
    komentar saya tidak muncul. Grrrr… yah saya
    tidak akan menulis semua itu lagi. Apapun, hanya ingin mengatakan blog hebat!|
    WOW apa yang saya cari untuk. Datang ke sini dengan mencari rajacuan|
    Bagus postingan. Simpan posting semacam information di blog Anda.
    Saya sangat terkesan dengan blog Anda.
    Hei di sana, Anda telah menyelesaikan a fantastis pekerjaan. Saya
    akan pasti menggalinya dan secara individu merekomendasikan kepada teman-teman saya.
    saya yakin mereka akan mendapat manfaat dari situs ini.|
    Bolehkah saya hanya mengatakan apa kenyamanan untuk
    menemukan seseorang yang sungguh-sungguh mengerti apa mereka mendiskusikan di
    web. Anda pasti menyadari bagaimana membawa masalah
    ke titik terang dan menjadikannya penting. Semakin banyak orang harus lihat ini dan pahami sisi ini dari cerita
    . Saya terkejut Anda tidak lebih populer sejak Anda pasti memiliki hadiah.|
    Hari ini, ketika saya sedang bekerja, sepupu saya mencuri apple ipad saya dan mengujinya untuk melihat apakah ia dapat
    bertahan tiga puluh foot drop, agar dia bisa menjadi sensasi youtube.
    iPad saya sekarang hancur dan dia memiliki 83 tampilan. Saya tahu ini sepenuhnya di luar topik,
    tetapi saya harus membaginya dengan seseorang!|
    Halo! Apakah Anda keberatan jika saya membagikan blog Anda
    dengan grup twitter saya? Ada banyak folks yang menurut saya akan sangat menghargai konten Anda.
    Tolong beritahu saya. Cheers|
    Halo di sana! Posting ini tidak bisa ditulis
    lebih baik! Reading posting ini mengingatkan saya pada teman sekamar sebelumnya saya!

    Dia selalu mengobrol tentang ini. Saya akan meneruskan tulisan ini kepadanya.

    Cukup yakin dia akan membaca dengan baik. Terima kasih banyak telah berbagi!|
    Hai di sana! Tahukah Anda jika mereka membuat plugin untuk protect
    terhadap peretas? Saya agak paranoid tentang kehilangan semua yang telah saya kerjakan dengan keras.

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    Juga, Isinya adalah masterwork. Anda telah menyelesaikan fantastis
    pekerjaan dalam hal ini materi!|
    Hei! Saya tahu ini agak darif-topic tapi saya harus untuk bertanya.
    Apakah mengelola blog seperti milik Anda mengambil a banyak berhasil?
    Saya baru untuk mengoperasikan blog tetapi saya menulis di diary setiap hari.
    Saya ingin memulai sebuah blog sehingga saya dapat dengan mudah berbagi pengalaman pribadi dan pandangan secara online.

    Harap beri tahu saya jika Anda memiliki any kind of ideas atau kiat untuk brand new calon blogger.
    Hargai itu!|
    Hmm apakah ada orang lain yang menghadapi masalah dengan gambar di blog ini
    memuat? Saya mencoba untuk menemukan apakah ini masalah saya atau blognya.
    umpan balik akan sangat dihargai.|
    Halo hanya ingin memberi tahu Anda brief dan memberi tahu Anda bahwa beberapa gambar tidak dimuat dengan benar.
    Saya tidak yakin mengapa, tetapi saya pikir ini adalah masalah tautan. Saya sudah mencobanya
    di dua browser yang berbeda dan keduanya menunjukkan outcome yang sama.|
    Hai hebat blog! Apakah menjalankan blog mirip dengan ini mengambil a
    banyak berhasil? Saya memiliki sama sekali tidak pengetahuan tentang
    pemrograman komputer namun saya dulu berharap untuk memulai blog
    saya sendiri segera. Anyhow, seharusnya Anda memiliki ideas atau tips
    for pemilik blog baru, silakan bagikan. saya mengerti ini di luar topik tapi saya hanya
    harus bertanya. Terima kasih banyak!|
    Hei! Saya sedang bekerja browsing blog Anda dari apple iphone baru saya!
    Hanya ingin mengatakan saya suka membaca blog Anda dan menantikan semua posting Anda!
    Lanjutkan pekerjaan fantastis!|
    Halo! Ini agak keluar dari topik tapi saya butuh advice dari blog yang sudah mapan. Apakah sulit untuk
    membuat blog Anda sendiri? Saya tidak terlalu teknis,
    tetapi saya dapat memahaminya dengan cukup cepat. Saya sedang berpikir tentang membuat milik saya sendiri, tetapi saya tidak yakin harus
    mulai dari mana. Apakah Anda punya poin atau saran? Hargailah|
    Halo! Apakah Anda menggunakan Twitter? Saya ingin mengikuti Anda jika itu oke.
    Saya benar-benar menikmati blog Anda dan menantikan postingan baru.|
    Halo di sana, Anda telah telah melakukan pekerjaan sangat bagus.
    saya akan pasti menggalinya dan secara pribadi merekomendasikan kepada teman-teman saya.
    Saya yakin mereka akan mendapat manfaat dari situs ini.|
    Halo! Tahukah Anda jika mereka membuat plugin untuk assist dengan SEO?
    Saya mencoba untuk mendapatkan peringkat blog saya untuk beberapa
    kata kunci yang ditargetkan tetapi saya tidak melihat
    hasil yang sangat baik. Jika Anda tahu ada tolong bagikan. Terima kasih banyak!|
    Whats up ini agak di luar topik tapi saya ingin tahu apakah blog
    menggunakan editor WYSIWYG atau jika Anda harus kode secara manual dengan HTML.
    Saya akan segera memulai blog tetapi tidak memiliki
    pengetahuan coding jadi saya ingin mendapatkan bimbingan dari seseorang yang
    berpengalaman. Bantuan apa pun akan sangat dihargai!|
    Ini adalah pertama kalinya saya membayar kunjungan singkat di sini dan saya benar-benar
    menyenangkan membaca semua di sendiri tempat.|
    Ini seperti Anda membaca pikiran saya! Anda tampaknya tahu
    begitu banyak tentang ini, seperti Anda menulis
    buku di dalamnya atau semacamnya. Saya pikir Anda bisa lakukan dengan beberapa foto untuk membawa pesan ke rumah sedikit, tapi selain itu, ini indah.

    Bacaan yang bagus. Aku akan pasti kembali.|
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    Mengajukan pertanyaan benar-benar baik hal jika Anda tidak memahami sesuatu sepenuhnya, tetapi karya tulis hadiah baik
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    Saya yakin mereka akan mendapat manfaat dari situs
    Dapatkah saya hanya mengatakan apa kenyamanan menemukan seseorang yang sangat mengerti apa
    adanya mendiskusikan di internet. Anda pasti memahami bagaimana membawa masalah ke
    titik terang dan menjadikannya penting. Semakin banyak orang harus lihat ini dan pahami
    sisi ini dari Anda. Ini mengejutkan Anda tidak lebih populer mengingat bahwa Anda pasti memiliki hadiah.|
    Kemarin, ketika saya sedang bekerja, sepupu saya
    mencuri apple ipad saya dan mengujinya untuk
    melihat apakah ia dapat bertahan 25 foot drop, agar dia bisa menjadi sensasi
    youtube. iPad saya sekarang hancur dan dia memiliki 83 tampilan. Saya tahu ini sepenuhnya di luar topik, tetapi saya harus membaginya dengan seseorang!|
    Hai! Apakah Anda keberatan jika saya membagikan blog Anda dengan grup twitter
    saya? Ada banyak folks yang menurut saya akan sangat menghargai konten Anda.
    Tolong beritahu saya. Cheers|
    Hai! Posting ini tidak bisa ditulis lebih baik! Reading posting ini
    mengingatkan saya pada teman sekamar sebelumnya saya!
    Dia selalu mengobrol tentang ini. Saya akan meneruskan tulisan ini kepadanya.
    Cukup yakin dia akan membaca dengan baik. Terima kasih telah berbagi!|
    Halo! Tahukah Anda jika mereka membuat plugin untuk safeguard terhadap peretas?
    Saya agak paranoid tentang kehilangan semua yang telah saya kerjakan dengan keras.

    Ada tips?|
    Anda adalah sebenarnya webmaster baik. situs web
    memuat kecepatan adalah menakjubkan. Sepertinya
    terasa bahwa kamu melakukan trik unik. Selanjutnya, Isinya adalah masterpiece.
    Anda telah melakukan sangat baik pekerjaan tentang ini materi!|
    Hai! Saya mengerti ini semacam darif-topic tapi saya perlu untuk bertanya.
    Apakah mengoperasikan situs web seperti milik Anda mengambil a banyak berhasil?

    Saya benar-benar baru untuk menulis blog
    tetapi saya menulis di diary di setiap hari. Saya
    ingin memulai sebuah blog sehingga saya dapat dengan mudah berbagi pengalaman pribadi dan perasaan secara
    online. Harap beri tahu saya jika Anda memiliki any kind
    of suggestions atau kiat untuk new calon pemilik blog.
    Hargai itu!|
    Hmm apakah ada orang lain yang mengalami masalah dengan gambar di blog ini memuat?
    Saya mencoba untuk menentukan apakah ini masalah saya atau blognya.
    umpan balik akan sangat dihargai.|
    Hai hanya ingin memberi tahu Anda brief dan memberi tahu Anda bahwa beberapa gambar tidak dimuat dengan benar.
    Saya tidak yakin mengapa, tetapi saya pikir ini adalah masalah tautan. Saya sudah mencobanya di dua browser
    yang berbeda dan keduanya menunjukkan results yang sama.|
    Hai hebat blog! Apakah menjalankan blog seperti ini mengambil a banyak
    berhasil? Saya memiliki hampir tidak memahami coding tetapi saya dulu berharap untuk memulai blog saya sendiri dalam waktu dekat.

    Anyway, jika Anda memiliki suggestions atau tips for pemilik
    blog baru, silakan bagikan. saya mengerti ini
    di luar topik tapi saya hanya harus bertanya. Terima kasih!|
    Hai ! Saya sedang bekerja browsing blog Anda dari iphone 4 baru saya!

    Hanya ingin mengatakan saya suka membaca blog Anda dan menantikan semua posting Anda!

    Lanjutkan pekerjaan fantastis!|
    Halo! Ini agak keluar dari topik tapi saya butuh guidance dari
    blog yang sudah mapan. Apakah sulit untuk membuat blog Anda sendiri?

    Saya tidak terlalu teknis, tetapi saya dapat memahaminya dengan cukup cepat.
    Saya sedang berpikir tentang membuat milik saya sendiri, tetapi saya tidak yakin harus mulai dari mana.
    Apakah Anda punya tips atau saran? Terima kasih banyak|
    Halo! Apakah Anda menggunakan Twitter? Saya ingin mengikuti Anda jika
    itu oke. Saya pasti menikmati blog Anda dan menantikan pembaruan baru.|
    Hei di sana, Anda telah melakukan pekerjaan hebat.
    saya akan pasti menggalinya dan secara pribadi menyarankan kepada teman-teman saya.
    saya yakin mereka akan mendapat manfaat dari situs web ini.|
    Halo! Tahukah Anda jika mereka membuat plugin untuk assist dengan Search Engine Optimization? Saya mencoba untuk mendapatkan peringkat blog saya untuk beberapa kata
    kunci yang ditargetkan tetapi saya tidak melihat keberhasilan yang sangat baik.
    Jika Anda tahu ada tolong bagikan. Terima kasih!|
    Whats up ini semacam di luar topik tapi saya ingin tahu apakah blog menggunakan editor WYSIWYG atau jika Anda harus kode secara manual dengan HTML.
    Saya akan segera memulai blog tetapi tidak memiliki keterampilan coding jadi saya
    ingin mendapatkan bimbingan dari seseorang yang berpengalaman. Bantuan apa pun akan sangat dihargai!|
    Ini adalah pertama kalinya saya kunjungan di sini
    dan saya sebenarnya menyenangkan membaca everthing
    di satu tempat.|
    Ini seperti Anda membaca pikiran saya! Anda tampaknya tahu begitu
    banyak tentang ini, seperti Anda menulis buku di dalamnya atau semacamnya.
    Saya pikir Anda bisa lakukan dengan beberapa foto untuk membawa pesan ke
    rumah sedikit, tapi bukan itu, ini hebat. Fantastis.
    Aku akan pasti kembali.|
    Wow, fantastis! Sudah berapa lama Anda ngeblog? Anda membuat blog terlihat mudah.
    Tampilan keseluruhan web site Anda luar biasa, apalagi kontennya!|
    Wow, fantastis weblog format! Berapa lama lama pernahkah Anda menjalankan blog?
    Anda membuat blogging glance mudah. Selengkapnya tampilan web site Anda indah, sebagai baik
    sebagai konten!}

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  248. Saya telah telah surfing online lebih dari tiga jam hari ini, namun saya tidak pernah menemukan artikel menarik seperti milik Anda.
    Ini cukup berharga untukku. Menurut pendapat saya, jika semua pemilik web
    dan blogger membuat konten yang bagus seperti yang Anda lakukan, internet akan lebih banyak berguna dari
    sebelumnya. bahwa mereka akan membantu, jadi ini berlangsung.|
    Anda bisa pasti melihat keahlian dalam pekerjaan yang Anda tulis.
    The arena berharap untuk bahkan lebih penulis yang bersemangat seperti Anda yang tidak takut untuk menyebutkan bagaimana mereka percaya.
    Setiap saat kejar hatimu.|
    Bagus sekali postingan. saya melalui banyak dari ini masalah
    juga .. |
    Bagus situs web Anda punya di sini.. Ini sulit ditemukan tulisan berkualitas tinggi seperti milik Anda hari ini.
    Saya serius menghargai orang-orang seperti Anda!
    Saya disarankan blog ini oleh sepupu saya. I’m tidak yakin apakah posting ini ditulis olehnya sebagai nobody else know like so details about my
    problem. Kamu luar biasa ! Terima kasih!|
    Bagus sekali postingan! Kami menautkan ke ini terutama
    konten hebat di situs kami. Teruskan menulis yang baik.|
    Ya Tuhan! Artikel Keren Bung! Terima kasih, Namun saya menghadapi kesulitan dengan RSS Anda.

    Saya tidak tahu alasan mengapa Saya tidak bisa berlangganan. Apakah
    ada orang lain memiliki mirip RSS masalah? Anyone who tahu the solution akankah Anda dengan ramah menanggapi?
    Terima kasih!!|
    Sangat bagus blog! Apakah Anda memiliki petunjuk untuk calon penulis?
    Saya berharap untuk segera memulai situs saya sendiri,
    tetapi saya sedikit bingung dalam segala hal. Apakah Anda menyarankan memulai dengan platform gratis seperti WordPress atau
    memilih opsi berbayar? Ada begitu banyak pilihan di
    luar sana sehingga saya benar-benar bingung ..
    Ada ide? Terima kasih!|
    sulit ditemukan berpengetahuan luas orang khususnya topik, namun, kamu
    terdengar seperti kamu tahu apa yang kamu bicarakan! Terima kasih|
    Saya tidak bahkan mengerti bagaimana saya selesai naik di
    sini, namun saya berasumsi ini publish dulu hebat. Aku tidak mengenali siapa kamu
    namun pasti kamu pergi ke blogger terkenal jika Anda belum sudah.
    Cepat jawab balik sebagai balasan atas kesulitan ini dengan argumen padat dan menggambarkan segalanya tentang itu.|
    Saya tidak bahkan tahu bagaimana saya berakhir di sini,
    tapi saya pikir posting ini hebat. Saya tidak tahu siapa Anda tetapi pasti Anda akan pergi ke blogger terkenal jika Anda belum 😉 Cheers!|
    Kami adalah sekelompok sukarelawan dan skema mulai baru di komunitas kami.

    situs web menawarkan kepada kami membantu info untuk dikerjakan. Anda telah menyelesaikan yang mengesankan pekerjaan dan seluruh kelompok mungkin akan bersyukur kepada Anda.|
    Sangat baik cara menjelaskan, dan baik artikel untuk mendapatkan informasi
    tentang presentasi saya subyek, yang akan saya sampaikan di universitas.|
    Bagus blog di sini! Selain itu situs web Anda banyak
    cepat! Apa host Anda penggunaan? Dapatkah Saya mendapatkan associate link di host Anda?

    Saya ingin situs saya dimuat dengan cepat seperti milik Anda lol|
    Saya suka blog Anda.. warna & tema yang sangat bagus. Apakah Anda desain situs web ini sendiri
    atau Anda mempekerjakan seseorang untuk melakukannya untuk
    Anda? Tolong jawab kembali karena saya ingin membangun blog saya sendiri dan ingin mencari dari mana Anda mendapatkannya.
    Kami sekelompok sukarelawan dan memulai skema baru di komunitas kami.
    Situs Anda menyediakan kepada kami info yang berharga
    untuk dikerjakan. Anda telah telah melakukan a tangguh dan komunitas seluruh
    kami akan bersyukur kepada Anda.|
    Hargai postingan ini. Biarkan aku mencobanya.|
    Mengajukan pertanyaan benar-benar baik hal jika Anda tidak memahami
    sesuatu sepenuhnya, namun posting menawarkan bagus
    pemahaman belum.|
    Pernahkah Anda mempertimbangkan tentang termasuk sedikit lebih dari sekadar artikel Anda?
    Maksud saya, apa yang Anda katakan adalah berharga dan semua.
    Namun demikian pikirkan jika Anda menambahkan beberapa gambar atau video yang bagus untuk memberikan lebih banyak postingan Anda, “pop “!
    Konten Anda sangat bagus tetapi dengan images dan clips, blog ini tidak
    dapat disangkal menjadi salah satu terbaik di bidang-nya.
    Luar Biasa blog!|
    Gaya Anda sangat unik dibandingkan dengan other people Saya telah
    membaca hal-hal dari. Saya menghargai Anda untuk memposting ketika Anda punya kesempatan, Tebak Saya akan hanya
    book mark situs web ini.|

    Halo, setelah membaca menakjubkan postingan ini saya juga ceria
    untuk berbagi pengetahuan saya di sini dengan teman. kirimkan saya e-mail?|
    Cantik! Ini adalah sangat indah artikel. Banyak terima kasih untuk
    menyediakan info ini.|
    Terima kasih , Saya telah baru-baru ini telah mencari informasi kira-kira topik ini selama dan milikmu adalah terbaik saya telah mendapat sampai sekarang.
    Namun, bagaimana tentang kesimpulan? Apakah Anda positif tentang sumber?|
    Terima kasih sekelompok untuk berbagi ini dengan of us Anda benar-benar pahami apa Anda berbicara tentang!
    Ditandai. Tolong tambahan minta saran dari situs web saya =).
    Kami bisa link perubahan kontrak antara kami|
    Saya tidak yakin persis mengapa tetapi blog ini memuat sangat lambat untuk saya.

    Apakah ada orang lain yang mengalami issue atau issue di pihak saya?
    Saya akan memeriksa kembali nanti dan melihat apakah masalahnya
    masih ada.|
    Terima kasih untuk artikel menguntungkan. Itu sebenarnya dulu akun hiburan itu.

    Sekilas rumit hingga lebih dibawa sesuai dari Anda!
    Namun, bagaimana bisa kita berhubungan?|
    saya dulu dapat menemukan info yang bagus dari konten Anda.|
    Terima kasih untuk setiap lainnya hebat artikel. Tempat else bisa siapa saja mendapatkan jenis informasi sedemikian ideal
    cara menulis? Saya telah presentasi selanjutnya minggu, dan saya di mencari informasi tersebut.|
    Terima kasih telah berbagi info Anda. Saya benar-benar menghargai usaha Anda dan saya akan menunggu lebih lanjut tulisan terima
    kasih Anda sekali lagi.|
    Saya blog cukup sering dan saya benar-benar menghargai konten Anda.
    Artikel Anda benar-benar menarik minat saya. Saya akan book mark blog Anda dan terus
    memeriksa detail tentang sekali seminggu. Saya berlangganan RSS feed
    Anda juga.|
    Hanya keinginan mengatakan bahwa artikel Anda mengejutkan. Kejelasan untuk Anda put
    up adalah hanya hebat dan bahwa saya bisa berpikir Anda adalah ahli dalam hal ini.
    Baik bersama Anda izin biarkan saya untuk snatch feed Anda
    untuk terus up to date dengan postingan segera.
    Terima kasih satu juta dan harap lanjutkan pekerjaan menyenangkan.|
    Terima kasih untuk beberapa lainnya informatif situs.
    Di mana else mungkin saya mendapatkan jenis informasi yang ditulis
    sedemikian ideal metode ? Saya memiliki misi yang saya hanya sekarang bekerja, dan saya ‘ve telah di look untuk info tersebut.|
    Hanya ingin mengatakan bahwa artikel Anda menakjubkan. Kejelasan dalam posting
    Anda hanya spektakuler dan saya bisa menganggap Anda ahli dalam hal ini.
    Baik dengan izin Anda biarkan saya mengambil RSS feed Anda agar up to date dengan posting yang akan datang.

    Terima kasih satu juta dan tolong teruskan pekerjaan menyenangkan.|
    Bermanfaat informasi. Beruntung saya saya menemukan situs Anda tidak
    sengaja, dan saya terkejut mengapa kebetulan tidak terjadi sebelumnya!
    Saya menandainya.|
    Apakah Anda memiliki masalah spam di situs ini; Saya juga seorang blogger, dan saya ingin tahu situasi
    Anda; kami telah mengembangkan beberapa metode yang bagus
    dan kami ingin bertukar strategi dengan orang lain , pastikan kirimi
    saya e-mail jika tertarik.|
    Ini sangat menarik, Anda seorang blogger yang sangat terampil.
    I’ve bergabung dengan feed Anda dan berharap dapat melihat lebih banyak lagi
    postingan fantastis Anda. Juga, Saya membagikan situs web Anda di jejaring sosial saya!|
    Saya percaya segalanya diterbitkan membuat banyak masuk akal.
    Namun, bagaimana dengan ini? misalkan Anda wrote a catchier
    post title? Maksud saya, saya tidak ingin memberi tahu Anda cara menjalankan blog Anda,
    tetapi bagaimana jika Anda menambahkan a post title ke mungkin grab people’s rakyat?

    Maksud saya Book 2 – Section 3 | May Ramos agak vanila.
    Anda seharusnya melihat halaman home Yahoo dan catatan bagaimana mereka menulis berita judul untuk dapatkan orang untuk membuka tautan. Anda dapat menambahkan video atau gambar terkait atau dua untuk ambil
    orang tertarik tentang semuanya telah ditulis. Hanya
    pendapat saya, itu mungkin membuat blog Anda sedikit
    lebih hidup.|
    Luar Biasa situs yang Anda miliki di sini, tetapi saya ingin tahu jika Anda mengetahui forum komunitas yang membahas topik yang
    sama dibicarakan dalam artikel ini? Saya sangat suka menjadi
    bagian dari komunitas online tempat saya bisa mendapatkan umpan balik dari berpengetahuan lainnya orang
    yang memiliki minat yang sama. Jika Anda memiliki saran, beri tahu
    saya. Alhamdulillah!|
    Halo sangat keren situs!! Guy .. Luar Biasa .. Hebat ..
    Saya akan mem-bookmark situs Anda dan mengambil umpan tambahan? saya puas untuk menemukan begitu banyak membantu informasi di
    sini di post, kita ingin mengembangkan ekstra teknik tentang ini,
    terima kasih telah berbagi. . . . . .|
    Hari ini, saya pergi ke beach front dengan kids saya. Saya menemukan kerang laut dan memberikannya kepada putri saya yang berusia 4 tahun dan berkata, “Anda dapat mendengar suara laut jika Anda meletakkan ini di telinga Anda.”
    Dia menempatkan cangkang ke telinganya dan berteriak.

    Ada kelomang di dalam dan mencubit telinganya. Dia tidak pernah
    ingin kembali! LoL Aku tahu ini sepenuhnya di luar topik tapi
    aku harus memberitahu seseorang!|
    Tetap ini teruskan, kerja bagus!|
    Hei, saya tahu ini di luar topik, tetapi saya bertanya-tanyang jika Anda mengetahui
    widget apa pun yang dapat saya tambahkan ke blog saya
    yang secara otomatis men-tweet pembaruan twitter terbaru saya.
    Saya telah mencari plug-in seperti ini untuk beberapa waktu dan berharap mungkin Anda akan memiliki pengalaman dengan sesuatu seperti ini.
    Tolong beri tahu saya jika Anda mengalami sesuatu.
    Saya sangat menikmati membaca blog Anda
    dan saya menantikan pembaruan baru Anda.|
    Saat ini muncul seperti BlogEngine adalah platform blogging pilihan di luar sana sekarang juga.
    (dari apa yang saya baca) Apakah itu yang kamu gunakan di blogmu?|
    Ah, ini adalah sangat postingan yang bagus. Menghabiskan waktu dan upaya nyata menciptakan bagus artikel… tapi apa yang bisa saya
    katakan… saya menunda-nunda banyak sekali dan tidak pernah berhasil mendapatkan hampir semuanya selesai.|
    Wow itu tidak biasa. Saya baru saja menulis komentar yang sangat panjang tetapi
    setelah saya mengeklik kirim, komentar saya
    tidak muncul. Grrrr… yah saya tidak akan menulis semua itu
    lagi. Apapun, hanya ingin mengatakan blog luar biasa!|
    WOW apa yang saya cari untuk. Datang ke sini dengan mencari may ramos|
    Bagus artikel. Simpan writing semacam info di page Anda.
    Saya sangat terkesan dengan itu.
    Halo di sana, Anda telah melakukan hebat pekerjaan. Saya akan pasti menggalinya dan untuk bagian saya
    merekomendasikan kepada teman-teman saya. Saya yakin mereka akan mendapat
    manfaat dari situs web ini.|
    Bolehkah saya hanya mengatakan apa lega untuk menemukan seseorang yang sebenarnya tahu apa adanya berbicara tentang di web.

    Anda benar-benar menyadari bagaimana membawa masalah ke titik terang dan menjadikannya penting.
    Semakin banyak orang harus baca ini dan pahami sisi ini dari cerita .

    Ini mengejutkan Anda tidak lebih populer mengingat bahwa Anda pasti memiliki hadiah.|
    Hari ini, ketika saya sedang bekerja, kakak saya mencuri iphone saya dan mengujinya untuk melihat apakah ia dapat bertahan 40 foot drop, agar dia bisa menjadi sensasi youtube.
    apple ipad saya sekarang rusak dan dia memiliki 83 tampilan. Saya tahu ini benar-benar di luar topik, tetapi saya harus membaginya dengan seseorang!|
    Halo di sana! Apakah Anda keberatan jika saya membagikan blog
    Anda dengan grup facebook saya? Ada banyak people yang menurut saya akan sangat menghargai konten Anda.
    Tolong beritahu saya. Terima kasih|
    Selamat siang! Posting ini tidak bisa ditulis lebih baik!
    Reading posting ini mengingatkan saya pada teman sekamar baik tua saya!
    Dia selalu berbicara tentang ini. Saya akan meneruskan tulisan ini kepadanya.
    Cukup yakin dia akan membaca dengan baik. Terima kasih telah berbagi!|
    Selamat siang! Tahukah Anda jika mereka membuat plugin untuk
    protect terhadap peretas? Saya agak paranoid tentang kehilangan semua yang
    telah saya kerjakan dengan keras. Ada rekomendasi?|
    Anda pada kenyataannya webmaster baik. situs web memuat kecepatan adalah luar biasa.
    Sepertinya bahwa kamu melakukan trik khas. Selanjutnya, Isinya adalah masterpiece.
    Anda telah menyelesaikan hebat aktivitas tentang ini topik!|
    Hai! Saya mengerti ini semacam darif-topic namun saya perlu untuk
    bertanya. Apakah mengelola blog seperti milik Anda
    mengambil a sejumlah besar berhasil? saya baru untuk menulis blog namun saya menulis di journal setiap hari.
    Saya ingin memulai sebuah blog sehingga saya akan dapat berbagi pengalaman saya sendiri dan pandangan secara online.
    Harap beri tahu saya jika Anda memiliki any suggestions atau
    kiat untuk brand new calon blogger. Terima kasih!|
    Hmm apakah ada orang lain yang menghadapi masalah dengan gambar di blog ini memuat?

    Saya mencoba untuk mencari tahu apakah ini masalah
    saya atau blognya. tanggapan akan sangat dihargai.|
    Halo hanya ingin memberi tahu Anda brief dan memberi tahu Anda bahwa beberapa gambar tidak dimuat dengan benar.

    Saya tidak yakin mengapa, tetapi saya pikir ini adalah masalah tautan. Saya sudah mencobanya di
    dua web browsers yang berbeda dan keduanya menunjukkan results yang sama.|
    Hai luar biasa situs web! Apakah menjalankan blog seperti ini mengambil a banyak berhasil?
    saya sama sekali tidak memahami coding namun saya dulu berharap untuk memulai blog
    saya sendiri segera. Anyways, jika Anda memiliki ideas atau techniques untuk pemilik blog
    baru, silakan bagikan. Saya tahu ini di luar subjek tapi
    saya hanya perlu bertanya. Terima kasih!|
    Hai! Saya sedang bekerja surfing around blog Anda dari
    apple iphone baru saya! Hanya ingin mengatakan saya suka membaca blog Anda dan menantikan semua posting Anda!

    Lanjutkan pekerjaan luar biasa!|
    Halo! Ini agak keluar dari topik tapi saya butuh guidance dari blog yang
    sudah mapan. Apakah sulit untuk membuat blog Anda sendiri?
    Saya tidak terlalu teknis, tetapi saya dapat memahaminya dengan cukup cepat.
    Saya sedang berpikir tentang membuat milik saya sendiri, tetapi saya tidak yakin harus mulai dari
    mana. Apakah Anda punya tips atau saran? Dengan terima kasih|
    Hai! Apakah Anda menggunakan Twitter? Saya ingin mengikuti Anda
    jika itu ok. Saya pasti menikmati blog Anda dan menantikan postingan baru.|
    Hai di sana, Anda telah melakukan pekerjaan hebat. saya akan pasti menggalinya dan secara pribadi
    menyarankan kepada teman-teman saya. saya percaya
    diri mereka akan mendapat manfaat dari situs web ini.|
    Halo! Tahukah Anda jika mereka membuat plugin untuk help dengan SEO?

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    yang kamu gunakan di blogmu?|
    Ah, ini adalah sangat postingan yang bagus. Meluangkan beberapa menit dan upaya nyata untuk membuat a sangat
    bagus artikel… tapi apa yang bisa saya katakan… saya ragu-ragu banyak dan tidak pernah
    berhasil mendapatkan hampir semuanya selesai.|
    Wow itu aneh. Saya baru saja menulis komentar yang sangat panjang tetapi setelah saya mengeklik kirim, komentar saya tidak muncul.
    Grrrr… yah saya tidak akan menulis semua itu lagi.

    Bagaimanapun, hanya ingin mengatakan blog hebat!|
    WOW apa yang saya cari untuk. Datang ke sini dengan mencari rajacuan|
    Bagus postingan. Simpan writing semacam info di page Anda.
    Saya sangat terkesan dengan itu.
    Hai di sana, Anda telah menyelesaikan a fantastis pekerjaan. Saya akan pasti menggalinya dan secara pribadi merekomendasikan kepada teman-teman saya.
    saya percaya diri mereka akan mendapat manfaat dari situs web
    Bolehkah saya hanya mengatakan apa kenyamanan untuk
    mengungkap seseorang yang sungguh-sungguh tahu apa adanya mendiskusikan di internet.
    Anda pasti tahu bagaimana membawa masalah ke titik terang dan menjadikannya penting.
    Lebih banyak orang benar-benar perlu baca ini dan pahami sisi ini dari Anda.
    Saya terkejut Anda tidak lebih populer sejak Anda pasti memiliki hadiah.|
    Beberapa hari yang lalu, ketika saya sedang bekerja, kakak saya mencuri iphone saya dan mengujinya untuk melihat
    apakah ia dapat bertahan 40 foot drop, agar
    dia bisa menjadi sensasi youtube. iPad saya sekarang hancur dan dia
    memiliki 83 tampilan. Saya tahu ini sepenuhnya di luar topik, tetapi saya harus membaginya dengan seseorang!|
    Halo di sana! Apakah Anda keberatan jika saya membagikan blog Anda dengan grup zynga saya?
    Ada banyak people yang menurut saya akan sangat menikmati
    konten Anda. Tolong beritahu saya. Cheers|
    Halo di sana! Posting ini tidak bisa ditulis lebih
    baik! Reading through posting ini mengingatkan saya pada teman sekamar baik tua
    saya! Dia selalu berbicara tentang ini. Saya akan meneruskan posting ini kepadanya.

    Cukup yakin dia akan membaca dengan baik.
    Terima kasih telah berbagi!|
    Halo! Tahukah Anda jika mereka membuat plugin untuk safeguard terhadap peretas?
    Saya agak paranoid tentang kehilangan semua yang telah saya kerjakan dengan keras.
    Ada tips?|
    Anda adalah dalam kenyataannya webmaster tepat. situs web memuat kecepatan adalah menakjubkan. Sepertinya
    terasa bahwa kamu melakukan trik unik. Lagipula, Isinya adalah masterpiece.

    Anda telah menyelesaikan fantastis pekerjaan tentang ini materi!|
    Halo! Saya menyadari ini agak darif-topic tapi saya harus untuk bertanya.
    Apakah mengelola situs web seperti milik Anda mengambil a jumlah
    besar berhasil? Saya benar-benar baru untuk mengoperasikan blog tetapi saya menulis di
    diary setiap hari. Saya ingin memulai sebuah blog sehingga saya akan dapat berbagi pengalaman saya sendiri dan pemikiran secara online.

    Harap beri tahu saya jika Anda memiliki any kind of suggestions atau
    kiat untuk brand new calon blogger. Hargai itu!|
    Hmm apakah ada orang lain yang mengalami masalah dengan gambar
    di blog ini memuat? Saya mencoba untuk menemukan apakah ini masalah saya atau blognya.
    umpan balik akan sangat dihargai.|
    Hai hanya ingin memberi tahu Anda brief dan memberi tahu Anda bahwa
    beberapa gambar tidak dimuat dengan benar.
    Saya tidak yakin mengapa, tetapi saya pikir ini adalah masalah
    tautan. Saya sudah mencobanya di dua browser yang berbeda dan keduanya menunjukkan outcome yang sama.|
    Halo luar biasa situs web! Apakah menjalankan blog seperti ini memerlukan a
    jumlah besar berhasil? saya sangat sedikit pengetahuan tentang coding tetapi saya dulu berharap untuk memulai blog saya sendiri segera.

    Anyways, jika Anda memiliki ideas atau techniques untuk pemilik blog
    baru, silakan bagikan. Saya tahu ini di luar subjek namun saya hanya ingin bertanya.
    Hai! Saya sedang bekerja browsing blog Anda dari
    iphone 4 baru saya! Hanya ingin mengatakan saya suka membaca blog Anda dan menantikan semua posting Anda!
    Teruskan pekerjaan fantastis!|
    Halo! Ini agak keluar dari topik tapi saya butuh help dari blog yang sudah mapan.
    Apakah sangat sulit untuk membuat blog Anda sendiri? Saya tidak terlalu teknis, tetapi saya dapat memahaminya dengan cukup cepat.

    Saya sedang berpikir tentang menyiapkan milik saya sendiri, tetapi saya tidak
    yakin harus mulai dari mana. Apakah Anda punya poin atau saran? Terima kasih banyak|
    Halo! Apakah Anda menggunakan Twitter? Saya ingin mengikuti Anda jika itu ok.
    Saya tidak diragukan menikmati blog Anda dan menantikan postingan baru.|
    Halo di sana, Anda telah melakukan pekerjaan luar biasa.

    saya akan pasti menggalinya dan secara pribadi merekomendasikan kepada teman-teman saya.
    Saya yakin mereka akan mendapat manfaat dari situs web ini.|
    Hai! Tahukah Anda jika mereka membuat plugin untuk help dengan SEO?
    Saya mencoba untuk mendapatkan peringkat blog saya
    untuk beberapa kata kunci yang ditargetkan tetapi saya tidak melihat hasil
    yang sangat baik. Jika Anda tahu ada tolong bagikan. Cheers!|
    Halo ini agak di luar topik tapi saya bertanya-tanya apakah blog menggunakan editor WYSIWYG atau
    jika Anda harus kode secara manual dengan HTML.
    Saya akan segera memulai blog tetapi tidak memiliki pengalaman coding jadi saya
    ingin mendapatkan bimbingan dari seseorang yang berpengalaman. Bantuan apa pun akan sangat dihargai!|
    Ini adalah pertama kalinya saya mengunjungi di sini dan saya benar-benar senang membaca semua di sendiri tempat.|
    Ini seperti Anda membaca pikiran saya! Anda tampaknya
    tahu banyak tentang ini, seperti Anda menulis buku
    di dalamnya atau semacamnya. Saya pikir Anda bisa lakukan dengan beberapa foto untuk membawa
    pesan ke rumah sedikit, tapi selain itu, ini luar biasa. Bacaan yang bagus.
    Aku akan pasti kembali.|
    Wow, luar biasa! Sudah berapa lama Anda ngeblog? Anda membuat blog terlihat mudah.

    Tampilan keseluruhan web site Anda luar biasa, apalagi kontennya!|
    Wow, luar biasa weblog struktur! Berapa lama panjang pernahkah
    Anda menjalankan blog? Anda membuat menjalankan blog look mudah.

    Keseluruhan sekilas website Anda luar biasa, apalagi konten!}

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  256. بایسکشوال چیست ؟

    … علاوه بر بایسکشوال تامبوی هم هستم.خود من سه تا از دوستام لزبین هستن و
    یکیشونم بایسکشواله و من شناخت خودمو
    مدیون اونام واقعا. ممکن است متوجه شده باشید ایده‌هایی که پیرامون
    افراد بای سکشوال مطرح می‌شوند، کاملا متناسب با شخصیت شما هستند.
    در واقع، ممکن است به راحتی با یک فرد Bisexual که
    در فضای مجازی و یا تلویزیون می‌بینید، ارتباط برقرار کنید.
    بر اساس تحقیقات صورت گرفته، بیش
    از ۵۰ درصد افراد بایسکشوال جهان، هنوز از گرایش خود اطلاع ندارند.

    Michelle Rodriguez دیگر بازیگر محبوب آمریکایی است که در سال ۲۰۱۵ اعلام
    کرد که یک بایسکشوال است. این بازیگر ۴۱ ساله معتقد بود که
    باید در این رابطه صادق بود و به جای کلنجار رفتن
    با این حقیقت، به راحتی آن را پذیرفت.
    کینان بازیگر و کارگردان استرالیایی
    است که بایسکشوال بودن خود را همانند دیگر افراد به طور رسمی اعلام کرد.

    اگر اتفاقات مشابهی برای شما افتاده است،
    ممکن است یکی از افرادی باشید که به هر دو جنسیت، علاقه‌مند هستید.
    ایده آل مگ – مجله اینترنتی ایده آل مگ
    – مجموعه ای از جذاب ترین مطالب در حوزه های مختلف سلامت، فرهنگ،ورزش،
    سبک زندگی،گردشگری،روانشناسی،فناوری اطلاعات.
    فراموش نکنید که این مطالب را با دوستان و
    اطرافیان خود به اشتراک بگذارید تا شما
    هم در افزایش آگاهی جامعه در این تمایل جنسی نقشی داشته باشید.

    در مورد بای سکشوال ها می توان
    گفت که جنسیت افراد بایسکشوال می تواند مرد و
    یا زن باشد. این افراد به طور کامل از جنسیت خود رضایت دارند
    اما در علایق و گرایشات خود به پارتنر خود
    از نظر جنسی می توانند متفاوت
    باشند. این افراد معمولا هم به همجنس و هم به غیر همجنس خود
    گرایش عاطفی و جنسی دارند.
    آزمون دیگری که توصیه می کنیم برای درک دقیق تر
    هویت جنسی خود استفاده کنید تست COGIATI است که می تواند با دقت
    زیادی به شما برای پاسخ به سوالتان
    که آیا دوجنسگرا هستید یا خیر
    پاسخ دهد. همچنین می توان تست
    The Ultimate Sexuality Test را برای پاسخ به سوال آزمون بایسکشوال بودن
    یا نبودن توصیه می کنیم. این افراد از نظر اخلاقی و
    رفتاری، هیچ تفاوتی با سایر افراد
    البته امید است که در آینده‌ای نه تنها دور این تمایلات
    جنسی هم در دین اسلام و هم چنین ادیان دیگر به
    خوبی شناخته شوند. اما در حال حاضر این افراد در دین اسلام هیچ گونه جایگاهی ندارند و حتی خیلی از افراد نسبت
    به این دسته از افراد آگاهی ندارند.
    تا به امروز دیدن اسلام برای افراد دو جنس گرا هیچ تصمیم
    خاصی نگرفته است. اما از آنجایی که دین اسلام هم‌جنس‌گرایی را نمی‌پذیرد و به آن جایگاهی نمی‌دهد به احتمال زیاد برای افراد دو جنس گرا
    هم همین جایگاه را در نظر می‌گیرد.
    البته به جز تست مایکل استورمز تست The
    Ultimate Sexuality Test وجود دارد که می توان
    با کمک آن گرایش جنسی را مشخص کرد.
    سؤالات طراحی شده در این تست گرچه راحت
    و ساده به نظر می‌رسد اما کاملاً مفهومی و عمیق هستند.

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  259. ویزیت پزشک عمومی و متخصص در منزل

    پزشک عمومی می‌تواند برخی آزمایش‌های متنوع
    را با متناسب با شرایط و نیاز شما، برایتان انجام دهد.
    این آزمایشات می‌تواند شامل نوار قلب، آزمایش ادرار، فشار خون و…
    شود. از این‌رو، آنی آزما این امکان را برای شما مراجعین محترم فراهم کرده تا از خدمات در
    منزل یا محل کار خود بهره ببرید.
    امروزه به دلیل اهمیت صرفه جویی
    در وقت و هزینه، افراد ترجیح می‌دهند به جای خروج از منزل و قرار گرفتن در ازدحام جمعیت بیمارستان‌ها و صف انتظار مطب
    پزشکان متخصص، خدمات درمانی و مراقبتی را در منزل
    خود و در زمان دلخواه دریافت کنند.

    از دیگر مزایای ویزیت پزشک در منزل می‌توان
    به سریع‌تر طی شدن روند درمان اشاره کرد.
    چرا که بیمار در منزل احساس آرامش بیشتر و روحیه بهتری خواهد داشت که همین امر باعث می‌گردد بهتر بتواند مراحل درمان خود را طی کند.
    همچنین ویزیت دکتر در منزل نیاز به همراه
    ندارد که این امر نیز از مزایای دیگر این طرح
    افرادی که خیلی زیاد از زانوی خود استفاده می نمایند، سلامت مفاصل های آن ها با
    خطرات بسیاری مواجه خواهد شد که در صورت عدم
    رسیدگی عوارض جبران ناپذیری را در پی
    خواهند داشت. تمریناتی که در این روش درمانی برای زانو ارائه می گردد سبب
    متعادل شدن حرکات زانو می شود.
    با استفاده از ورزش درمانی فرد بیمار می
    تواند دامنه ی حرکتی بدن خود را بهبود بخشد و به درمان بیماری های خود بپردازد و
    الکتروتراپی نیز یک متد
    درمانی است که در آن از امواج الکتریکی استفاده می شود.
    از مهم ترین دغدغه های افراد بیمار نداشتن درد
    در هنگام عمل جراحی می باشد که
    برای این امر متخصصین بیهوشی وارد عمل می شوند.
    به طور معمول پزشکان بیهوشی از
    دو روش برای از بین بردن در حین عمل استفاده
    می کنند که این دو روش به صورت داروهای تزریقی یا تنفسی خاص انجام می پذیرد.

    حوزه کاری طب اطفال یک حوزه تخصصی مشترک است بسیاری از متخصصان اطفال به عنوان پزشکان مراقبت‌های اولیه کار
    می‌کنند. این نوع پزشک متخصص اطفال
    معاینات منظم مربوط به سلامتی را انجام می دهد.
    آنها همچنین طیف گسترده ای از شرایط بهداشتی عمومی
    را تشخیص داده و درمان می کنند، واکسیناسیون انجام داده و توصیه های بهداشتی مناسبی به
    کودکان و والدین یا مراقبانشان ارائه می دهند.

    ویزیت پزشکان متخصص در منزل جهت درمان تمامی
    امراض توسط طبیب اول واقع می گردد.
    متخصصین عفونی بعد از اتمام دوره پزشکی
    عمومی، دوره تخصصی مربوط به پیشگیری و درمان بیماری های
    عفونی را به اتمام می رسانند.
    یکی از روش های درمانی که یک متخصص ارتوپدی
    از آن استفاده میکند جراحی است.
    انوع مختلفی از اعمال جراحی وجود
    دارد که از هرکدام از آنها میتوان
    در جای مناسب استفاده کرد. با این کار از رفت آمد به مراکز درمانی و صرف
    وقت و هزینه اضافی جلوگیری کردهاست
    . پس از ثبت نام و وارد کردن
    آدرس، روی درخواست خدمت کلیک کنید و
    درخواست خود را جهت استفاده از خدمات پزشک متخصص در منزل تهران
    ثبت نمایید.
    برای بیماری هایی که نیازمند جراحی آرترودز می باشند می توان به بیماری
    هایی اشاره نمود که موجب خرابی مفاصل می شوند.
    از جمله ی این بیماری ها می توان
    به آرتروز، روماتیسم مفصلی یا آرتریت
    روماتوئید، شکستگی های داخل مفصلی
    یا دررفتگی ها، عفونت های داخلی مفصل و تومورهای داخلی مفصل اشاره
    نمود. فرد بیمار باید پس از جراحی از عصا یا واکر استفاده
    نماید تا فشار زیادی به زانو وارد نگردد، همچنین باید تمامی اقداماتی را که مانع از افتادن فرد به زمین می شود را انجام دهد تا دوباره دچار آسیب نشود.
    این عمل جراحی حتی برای افراد بالای 60 سال نیز
    محدودیتی به همراه ندارد، اما اگر فرد بیمار دارای وزن بسیار بالایی باشد، این وزن تاثیرات مخربی بر
    روی مفصل های مصنوعی خواهد داشت.
    نکته ای که باید در نظر گرفت
    این است که این عمل جراحی برای بیمارانی که دیابت دارند بسیار خطرناک خواهد بود.

    ما در این مقاله قصد داریم خدمات دکتر ارتوپد در منزل را مورد بررسی قرار دهیم و با
    ماهیت کار آن ها آشنا گردیم. ویزیت کردن
    و معاینات پیوسته و منظم پزشک
    در منزل می‌تواند در کاهش
    احتمال بستری شدن بیمار نقش داشته باشد و
    موجب کاهش احتمال بستری شدن، گردد.
    اگر امکان رفتن به آزمایشگاه را
    ندارید تنها با چند کلیک ساده آزمایشگاه را به خانه یا
    محل کار خود بیاورید تا بدون مراجعه حضوری و پرداخت هزینه اضافه آزمایش خود
    را انجام دهید. در مواردی، بیمار پس از ترخیص از
    بیمارستان همچنان نیاز به مراقبت و
    چک آپ منظم دارد. سلام بله ایشان فوق تخصص جراح استخوان و مفاصل و
    فلوشیپ جراحی زانو می باشند و تعویض مفصل زانو یکی از روش های جراحی
    توسط ایشان است. بنابراین با وجود اینکه نام ارتوپد با نام جراحی قرین شده است ولی درمان هایی که او ارائه
    میدهد لزوما جراحی نیست.
    پس از انجام صحبت های لازم با بیمار، او را معاینه نموده و
    دستور انجام آزمایشات، رادیوگرافی، سی تی اسکن
    و… را صادر می کنند، بیمار باید طبق دستورات پزشک به
    تمامی موارد خواسته شده عمل نماید.
    قبل از آرتروسکوپی، از جراحی های مفصل زانو به روش باز برای درمان استفاده می
    کردند که منجر به آسیب های سطحی به مفصل ها می شد.
    به عنوان مثال پزشکانی که در حوزه ی جراحی لگن و
    مفصل ران کار می کنند، ممکن است
    تنها به انجام جراحی های این نواحی بپردازند و تمرکز آن
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    شما می توانید برای دریافت برنامه درمانی و مشاوره درباره بیماری های
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    … علاوه بر بایسکشوال تامبوی هم هستم.خود من سه تا از دوستام لزبین هستن و یکیشونم بایسکشواله و من شناخت خودمو مدیون اونام واقعا.
    ممکن است متوجه شده باشید ایده‌هایی که پیرامون افراد بای سکشوال مطرح می‌شوند، کاملا متناسب با شخصیت شما هستند.
    در واقع، ممکن است به راحتی با یک
    فرد Bisexual که در فضای مجازی و یا تلویزیون می‌بینید، ارتباط
    برقرار کنید. بر اساس تحقیقات صورت گرفته، بیش از ۵۰ درصد افراد بایسکشوال جهان، هنوز از
    گرایش خود اطلاع ندارند.
    به عنوان مثال، شما می‌توانید
    از نظر عاشقانه جذب افراد
    چند جنسیتی شوید، اما از نظر جنسی فقط جذب
    مردان شوید. یا شاید شما نسبت به کسی
    احساسات جنسی ندارید، اما جذابیت عاشقانه را تجربه می کنید.
    در حالی که ممکن است با افرادی برخورد کنید
    که فکر می‌کنند با وارد شدن به یک
    رابطه «یک طرف» را انتخاب کرده‌اید، در واقع دوجنس‌گرایی اینطور نیست.

    بایسکشوال چیستبسیاری از افراد بایسکشوال
    جذب افراد ترنس و غیر دوجنسی می شوند و بسیاری
    از افراد دوجنسه ترنس یا غیردوجنسیتی (تک جنسیتی) هستند.

    این افراد معمولا گرایش
    به هر دو جنس را در خود احساس می کنند اما به دلیل نگرانی از قضاوت
    دیگران هرگز آن را بروز نمی دهند.

    بهتره با خانوادت درمیونش نزاری‌..اگه خانوادت آدم های هستن که از افرادی که گرایش متفاوتی دارن حمایت میکنن میتونی گرایشتو
    بهشون بگی ولی اگه اینطور نیست اصلا چیزی نگو..
    یک راه دیگر برای شناسایی این
    گرایش، میزان جستجو و تحقیق شما در
    اینترنت است. اگر بارها در گوکل درباره علائم بایسکشوال جستجو کرده‌اید، ممکن است یک Bisexual باشید.

    شاید برایتان جالب باشد که بدانید بسیاری از افراد مشهور
    و شناخته شده جهان نیز در لیست افرادی که
    اعلام کرده‌اند بایسکشوال هستند، قرار دارند.
    شاید به همین دلیل، از نظر روانشناسی نیز تا مدت‌ها وجود چنین
    اختلالی پذیرفته نبود و برخی نیز
    تصور می‌کردند بایسکشوال بودن
    حالتی گذراست و فرد با گذشت زمان به یک ثبات خواهد رسید.

    در مورد بای سکشوال ها می توان گفت که
    جنسیت افراد بایسکشوال می تواند مرد و
    یا زن باشد. این افراد به طور کامل
    از جنسیت خود رضایت دارند اما در علایق و گرایشات خود به پارتنر خود
    از نظر جنسی می توانند متفاوت باشند.
    این افراد معمولا هم به همجنس و
    هم به غیر همجنس خود گرایش عاطفی
    و جنسی دارند. آزمون دیگری که توصیه می کنیم برای درک دقیق تر هویت جنسی خود
    استفاده کنید تست COGIATI است که می تواند
    با دقت زیادی به شما برای پاسخ به
    سوالتان که آیا دوجنسگرا هستید یا خیر پاسخ دهد.
    همچنین می توان تست The Ultimate Sexuality Test را
    برای پاسخ به سوال آزمون بایسکشوال بودن یا
    نبودن توصیه می کنیم. این افراد از نظر اخلاقی و رفتاری، هیچ تفاوتی با سایر افراد ندارد.

    در واقع بایسکشوال به افرادی گفته می‌شود که
    از برقراری رابطه جنسی با جنس مخالف و یا همجنس
    خود، به یک اندازه لذت می‌برند.
    این در حالی است که یک فرد
    هموسکشوال، تنها از برقراری رابطه
    جنسی با فرد هم جنس خود است که به لذت واقعی
    می‌رسد و تمایلی به برقراری رابطه جنسی با غیر همجنس خود ندارد.
    دوجنس‌گرایان در بین نهادهای اجتماعی، حمایتی و قانونی با مشکلات متعددی
    روبرو هستند.
    به عنوان مثال، یک مرد با این گرایش، از
    نظر رفتاری، کاملا مردانه رفتار می‌کند، هیچ تمایلی به اینکه زن باشد ندارد
    و روحیات این فرد دقیقا مثل روحیات سایر مردان است.

    نکته بسیار مهمی که باید در مورد این افراد بدانیم، این است
    که بایسکشوال ها از نظر روحی
    و رفتاری، هیچ تضادی با جنسیتی که از خود نشان می‌دهند،
    ندارند. اما اخیرا با افزایش سطح آگاهی
    مردم در این زمینه، این تمایلات به یکی از دغدغه‌های ذهنی جامعه و به
    ویژه جوانان تبدیل شده است.
    یک سوء تفاهم فراگیر در مورد افراد بایسکشوال این است که این
    یک مرحله است و اینکه افراد دو جنسگرا در
    نهایت به عنوان همجنسگرا یا لزبین ظاهر می شوند.

    دوجنس گرایی یک هویت منحصر به فرد خود فرد است، نه صرفاً شاخه ای از همجنس گرا
    یا دگرجنس گرا بودن. در حالی که تعریف همجنس‌گرایی و دگرجنس‌گرایی ممکن است به شما در درک تعریف دوجنس‌گرایی کمک
    کند، اشتباه فکر نکنید که افراد دوجنس‌گرا «نیمه همجنس‌گرا » یا «نیمه دگرجنس گرا» هستند.

    یکی دیگر از علائم بایسکشوال بودن زنان این است که به طور مداوم زنان
    دیگر را بررسی می کنند. به طوری که اگر همسر شما بایسشکوال یا دوجنس گرا
    باشد، در حضور شما از زنان دیگر تعریف می کند.
    سلام، در این مورد باید با یک روانشناس یا سکسولوژیست مشورت کنید؛ البته همسر شما هم باید در جلسات مشاوره حضور
    داشته باشد.

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  327. موسسه ستارگان هدایت سلامت ( نبضی نو) با
    اهداف ارائه خدمات آموزشی و
    ارتقای سلامت در سطح فرد
    و سازمان و با چشم انداز ارائه خدمت رسانی فرای مرزهای جغرافیایی در راستای افزایش سطح دانش
    و آگاهی مردم در حوزه بهداشت و سلامت با در اختیار داشتن پلتفرم های تخصصی
    به منظور ارائه خدمات در زمینه های
    مختلف ، دستیابی به دانش سلامت دیجیتال، هم چنین با دستیابی به مشاورانی کار آزموده اقدام به راه‌اندازی
    مرکز مشاوره‌ی پزشکی آنلاین نموده و بخش‌های مربوط به مطالب پزشکی، مکان‌یاب
    سلامت، مشاوره تلفنی وتصویری تله مدیسین
    و خدمات خود مراقبتی نیز به آن افزوده
    شده است. این موسسه تلاش می‌کند تا با تلفیق فناوری‌های نوین
    و دانش سلامت سبب بهبود کیفیت زندگی و ترویج سبک زندگی سالم گردد.
    ایجاد ظرفیت‌هایی مانند مشاوره، تشکیل پرونده الکترونیک
    سلامت، اطلاع رسانی هوشمند، نرم افزارهای
    سلامت، آموزش الکترونیک و شبکه اجتماعی، مشاوره سلامتی تلفنی و تصویری، ارائه پلتفرم زیرساخت سلامت و چندین
    محصول دیگر خدمتی نو در عرصه
    سلامت است که پیشکش افراد در هر نقطه از دنیا میشود.

    بررسی بازار سلامت الکترونیک

    براساس گزارش منتشرشده از سوی سایت نیوزو (Newzoo)، در حال حاضر حدود ۳ میلیارد گوشی
    هوشمند فعال در سراسر جهان وجود دارد.
    بر همین اساس، حدود ۲۷۸ میلیون کاربر فعال
    در امریکای شمالی، ۸۳۰ میلیون کاربر فعال در چین و ۴۵۶ میلیون کاربر فعال در هند از گوشی‌های
    هوشمند استفاده می‌کنند. نیوزو، همچنین آمار
    تکان‌دهنده‌ای در مورد درآمد
    حاصل از اپلیکیشن‌های بازی در مقابل اپلیکیشن‌های
    غیربازی در صنعت گوشی‌های هوشمند ارائه داده است.
    در سال ۲۰۱۸، در حدود ۹۲ میلیارد دلار درآمد از فروشگاه‌های اپلیکیشن به‌دست آمده است و در حدود ۷۶ درصد از این درآمد مربوط به اپلیکیشن‌های بازی هستند.

    زندگی در دنیای امروز كه دانش فناوری و بیماریهای عفونی
    مسری (کرونا) به شدت زمینه های مختلف زندگی انسان را تحت تاثیر
    قرار داده است. در این میان سبک زندگی و سلامتی افراد نیز از این
    دانش بی نصیب نبوده و بخش زیادی از دغدغه مردم و مسئولین حوزه سلامت در گرو کاربرد فناوری در سلامت جامعه و سبک زندگی سالم

    فلسفه وجودی نبضی نو

    فلسفه بنیادین ستارگان هدایت
    سلامت (نبضی نو) بر خود مراقبتی و
    آموزش استوار است. طبق آمار وزارت بهداشت، تنها 10 درصد از جمعیت ایران بیمار می باشند و مابقی سالم هستند.
    با سرمایه گذاری در زمینه خود مراقبتی، میتوان میزان سلامت در جامعه را
    افزایش داد و از هزینه های گزاف درمانی خودداری کرد.
    خودمراقبتي شامل اعمالي است اکتسابی،
    آگاهانه و هدفدار كه افراد براي خود، فرزندان و خانواده شان انجام مي دهند
    تا تندرست بمانند، با مسب آموزش های لازم در زمینه خود امدادی و دگر امدادی از
    سلامت خود حفاظت كنند، نيازهاي اجتماعي خود را برآورده سازند، از بيماري ها يا حوادث پيشگيري كنند،
    ناخوشي ها و بيماري هاي مزمن را مراقب كنند و نيز از
    سلامت خود بعد از بيماري حاد
    يا ترخيص از بيمارستان حفاظت كنند.

    65 تا 85 درصد همه مراقبت‌های سلامتی به وسیله
    خود مردم و خانواده آنها، بدون
    دخالت پزشکان اعمال می‌شود كه در آن
    از روش‌های سنتی غیرطبی یا طبی رایج استفاده
    می‌شود. در نبضی نو ما تلاش کردیم سد ارتباطی بین تیم درمانی را با مراقبت های سنتی و غیر اصولی خانواده ها با ایجاد پرونده الکترونیک و دستیابی به همه امکانات
    و ارائه خدمات در منزل به صورت اصولی
    نتایج خود مراقبتی بهینه سازی و به روز نماییم تا پیشگیری بسیاری از
    بیماری های رایج مانند بیماری های قلبی، دیابت
    و فشارخون و سرطان های مختلف را همراه با خانواده بهبود ببخشیم.

    هم چنین نتایج خود مراقبتی منجر به کاهش مراجعه به پزشكان، كاهش در مراجعه
    به مراكز اورژانس، كاهش بستري بيمارستاني،
    كاهش در روزهاي غيبت از كار، كاهش مراجعه به پزشكان عمومي، صرفه جویی در زمان و هزینه و در نهایت افزایش
    سطح کیفیت زندگی خانوار خواهد شد.

    سیستم خودمراقبتی مزایایی برای پزشکان و متخصصان حوزه سلامت نیز
    خواهد داشت. مزایایی چون افزایش مراجعات حضوری، ارجاع بیماران از طریق کارشناسان و پزشک عمومی به تخصص مرتبط، ارتباط
    منظم و مداوم کاربران با پزشک، جلوگیری از پیشرفت بیماری، کاهش
    توصیه های غیرپزشکی و نامرتبط توسط افراد غیرمتخصص، ایجاد پرونده ی کامل برای هر بیمار و کاهش عفونتهای بیمارستانی، دستیابی سریعتر به خدمات سرپایی و بستری در منزل
    تحت نظر تیم های خصصی پزشکی و
    پرستاری می باشد.

    اهداف نبضی نو

    ارتقای سواد سلامت مردم
    ارتقای شاخص های عمومی سلامت با رویکرد
    استفاده از ظرفیت های فناوری های نوین
    در راستای ارتقای سلامت جامعه
    کارآفرینی دانشجویان فنی و پزشکی
    در راستای حفظ سلامت جامعه
    توسعه فناوری های نوین حوزه پیشگیری و ارتقای سلامت
    توسعه زیرساخت های فناوری اطلاعات در نظام سلامت
    ارزش آفرینی و توسعه اقتصاد دانش بنیان
    توسعه طب سنتی مبتنی بر فناوری اطلاعات
    تشکیل شبکه دانشی بین سازمانی
    ایجاد مشارکت فعال انجمن های علمی
    سلامت با دانشگاه صنعتی شریف
    ایجاد بستر لازم برای ارائه خدمات پیشرفته سلامت الکترونیکی از طریق پرونده الکترونیکی سلامت
    افزایش امنیت اطلاعات سلامت
    کاهش هزینه های خدمات بهداشتی درمانی
    ماموریت های نبضی نو

    ارتقای سواد سلامت مردم
    ارتقای شاخص های عمومی سلامت با رویکرد خودمراقبتی
    استفاده از ظرفیت های فناوری های نوین در راستای
    ارتقای سلامت جامعه
    کارآفرینی دانشجویان فنی و پزشکی در راستای
    حفظ سلامت جامعه
    توسعه فناوری های نوین حوزه پیشگیری و ارتقای سلامت
    توسعه زیرساخت های فناوری اطلاعات در نظام سلامت
    ارزش آفرینی و توسعه اقتصاد دانش بنیان
    توسعه طب سنتی مبتنی بر فناوری اطلاعات
    تشکیل شبکه دانشی بین سازمانی
    ایجاد مشارکت فعال انجمن های علمی سلامت
    با دانشگاه صنعتی شریف
    ایجاد بستر لازم برای ارائه خدمات پیشرفته سلامت الکترونیکی از طریق پرونده
    الکترونیکی سلامت
    افزایش امنیت اطلاعات سلامت
    کاهش هزینه های خدمات بهداشتی درمانی
    کاهش دادن فاصله ی کاربر و پزشک
    به حداقل رساندن میزان اتلاف وقت بیمار با کم
    کردن مراجعه ی حضوری بی دلیل او
    از طریق مشاوره ی آنلاین
    پیشگیری از بیماری های قلبی
    پیشگیری از دیابت نوع 2
    پیشگیری از ابتلا به سرطان
    کاهش مراجعه به پزشكان متخصص
    كاهش در مراجعه به مراكز اورژانس
    كاهش بستري بيمارستاني
    كاهش در روزهاي غيبت از كار
    كاهش مراجعه به پزشكان عمومي
    کاهش هزینه های خانوار
    افزایش سطح کیفیت زندگی
    ارائه خدمات بهداشتي خود مراقبتی و پيشگيري از بيماري و رنج ناشي از آن
    بهبود وضعیت سلامت و بهداشت
    كشف هرچه سريعتر مشكلات از طریق استفاده از اطلاعات مشاوران ، آزمون ها و محتوای سلامت و اقدام در بر طرف كردن آنها
    دسترسی سریع و ارزان به اطلاعات بهداشت و سلامت
    شناخت عوامل مضر و پیشگیری یا درمان آنها
    دسترسی به پزشکان و اطلاعات آنان به صورت 24 ساعته و آنلاین
    افزايش شناخت درباره فلسفه علم ،بهداشت و سلامت فردي
    و اجتماعي
    بهبود نگرش نسبت به اتخاذ رفتارهاي موثر
    بر سلامت
    تقويت مهارت ها و تمايلات افراد در ايجاد رفتارهاي موثر در
    گسترش مهارت هاي افراد در حفظ و گسترش سلامت و بهداشت خانواده وجامعه
    یافتن مراکز درمانی در حوزه مورد
    برخورداری از محتوای مرتبط با سلامت و بهداشت

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  348. Хорошая цена на официальный диплом Балашиха. Профессионализм подтверждается многочисленными благодарными и положительными отзывами, которых в настоящее время множество на различных интернет-форумах и других профессиональных порталах. Многие клиенты просят разные документы, но мы всегда отказываем. Хорошая цена на официальный диплом Балашиха. Так почему только диплом? Для создания защищенных документов требуется дорогостоящее оборудование, которое, конечно же, не каждая компания может себе позволить. Изготовлением стандартных сертификатов занимаются небольшие компании, большинство из которых используют дешевые принтеры. Некоторые пытаются печатать на таких принтерах аттестаты и дипломы, сертификаты, но передать эту «бумагу» начальству было бы унизительно. Ну, компании с дорогим оборудованием в Европе, естественно, не хотят создавать простую медицинскую справку, потому что всю прибыль вы будете тратить на расходные материалы, а также на ремонт. Отметим, что для профессиональных машин используются специальные расходные материалы. Если вам срочно нужен диплом, вам сказали, что вы можете сразу написать об этом в своем заявлении. Но всегда имейте в виду, что доставка занимает некоторое время и это нужно учитывать. При необходимости свяжитесь с менеджером и мы подберем варианты как отправить посылку в кратчайшие сроки. Так что, например, часто проще передавать файлы на поезде. Так что всегда есть варианты. Раньше им не нужно было платить вперед, но клиенты продолжали появляться и через некоторое время отказывались платить. Это большая потеря для компании. Итак, в наше время мы предлагаем нашим клиентам предоплату или селфи. Мы еще раз все рассказали о конфиденциальности, не нервничайте, мы дорожим своей репутацией, которую нарабатывали годами. Поищите обзоры и обзоры в сети, их точно нет. В большинстве случаев их можно найти в профилях или на нашем сайте. Нужны качественные документы? Решили оформить диплом в любом интернет-магазине? Сначала ознакомьтесь с особенностями, которые мы предлагаем, а затем принимайте решение. Начать нужно со стоимости, так как в основном это основной параметр, который решает покупатель самостоятельно оформить заказ. Мы хотели что-то сказать об этом, похвастаться, но, к сожалению, сегодня нечего, так как наше мероприятие предназначено только для создания качественных файлов. Отсюда потребность в специализированном дорогостоящем оборудовании, различных расходных материалах, которые, кстати, составляют немалую часть стоимости документа. Мастера нашего магазина накопили богатый опыт, который также должен иметь свою цену. Конечно, вы можете нанимать студентов, но какие качества они могут проявить? Эти работники обычно находят работу в компаниях, которые выдают медицинские справки, так как никаких специальных знаний не требуется. Однако мы готовы гарантировать, что с точки зрения качества, Кроме того, наши цены на самом деле являются лучшими там. Качество большинства компаний также высокое, но цена диплома более 50 000 рублей. Благодаря уже налаженной работе нам удалось снизить цену и, кроме того, существенно сэкономить на покупке расходных материалов. Чтобы быть лучшим в любом предмете, нужно стараться помогать своим клиентам, и мы это прекрасно знаем. Так уж сложилось, что люди сами не знают, какой диплом им нужен. Наши специалисты всегда готовы помочь и быстро. Они ответят на вопросы и дадут свои советы. В то же время не стоит недооценивать скорость работы, так как велика вероятность срочной потребности в дипломе. Грамотный повар может оформить заказ за один день. Такие услуги помогли многим борющимся покупателям. Например, они могут потерять хорошую работу. Правда, отметим, что за экстренные случаи придется доплачивать, однако таковы современные реалии. Своим клиентам мы сможем предложить совершенно бесплатную доставку по всей территории РФ. Жителям Москвы, помимо Санкт-Петербурга, мы сможем предложить очень удобный вариант – экспресс. В остальных случаях пользуемся почтой. Готовы выслушать ваши варианты, напишите нам, если удобнее доставить диплом другим способом. Безусловно, анонимность играет огромную роль при производстве документов. Поэтому мы сделали систему, которая обеспечивает отличную анонимность. Данные клиента хранятся только до завершения транзакции. Здесь необходимо осознавать, что сфера деятельности нашей компании не совсем легальна, и конечно же мы сами заинтересованы в том, чтобы не иметь никаких данных и баз данных. Так, в первую очередь, мы избавляем себя от возможных последствий, а вдобавок ко всему позволяем нашим собственным клиентам оставаться полностью анонимными. Всем удобно, и это здорово! Безусловно, важным моментом при выборе интернет-магазина является гарантия, которую компания может предложить своим покупателям. Разных компактов нынче много, а так как у них есть деньги, то они начнут делать вариации любого документа, и при этом им наплевать на качество, главное здесь – получение дохода! К плюсам можно отнести отличные цены, но вы получите некачественные документы, которые стыдно будет показывать властям. Но ключевой вопрос здесь в том, что заказчик обнаруживает низкое качество диплома только после получения заказа. Разумеется, платежи возврату не подлежат. В результате остаются деньги. Мы создали систему, в которой оплата требуется только после получения заказа. Так вы получаете диплом, видите качество работы и потом платите.

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    The fight against hunger and the fight for sustainable food systems are
    deeply connected. Custom images and original photography are
    more eye-catching, but it still takes time and money to create custom images.
    18. Create custom images for your social media posts.

    They recently added a photo editing feature that lets you create custom preset dimensions
    and sizes for the photos you download. It’s been a huge time saver and helps our photos
    be the correct posting/viewing/sharing size for social media.
    Everyone wants to know what’s trending on social media so they can latch
    onto the topic and gain more views. You can search for all different kinds of groups and if
    you see one you like, you should join. How to do social media right:
    Use search tool to monitor hashtags and terms, respond to people with
    help (not to sell), interact with employees, be interested,
    put forth the effort, and LISTEN!Social media
    is such a huge part of our world and an important way for
    consumers to find out about new products and brands.
    They use data to recommend products and games that match the creator’s channel and help them get
    great campaigns too. AIM will help you find an available screen name based on your preferences.
    To help you out, we’ve put together this list
    of the top influencer marketing agencies you can choose for
    your campaigns. Have a list of questions ready that will tell you if they are indeed the decision makers, and what value they placed on their time spent
    in the exhibit hall. Compare costs and choose the vet that offers the best combination of experience and
    value. Click-through costs can be as low as 10 cents, so it’s not
    a steep investment for advertisers. So what can you learn from Urban Canning Company?
    Let’s say your company isn’t blogging yet or
    you want to start blogging, but you don’t want to maintain a separate website or blog.This might seem
    like a no-brainer, but you need to be able to answer exactly why you want to have an Instagram presence in the first place.
    A tool like RiteTag is a great for finding trending hashtags.
    Because looking at the bigger picture, I am a great believer in common sense –
    despite what seems to be a global trend to outlaw it.

    When your viewers scroll through Instagram, they’re probably not looking for their next real estate agent.
    Mosseri, who heads up Instagram, said in a post he can’t wrap his mind around the
    platform’s early success. Publishing on LinkedIn is ideal for those who want to get thought
    leadership out there. You can also use LInkedIn’s publishing platform to start creating your own content.
    Stock photography can be expensive and boring, but it’s an easy shortcut when you don’t have
    time or access to original, high-quality images.
    We have a subscription to Shutterstock because we only want to use
    licensed photography (so we don’t get sued). Individuals can start building a solid collection of blog posts, get comments
    and engagement from others on LinkedIn, and more.
    People can see when you delete comments and it may make your brand look really
    bad.You can like, share and comment on Pulse using your LinkedIn profile, as well
    as sharing your own thought leadership content from your blog.
    Varying the types of content — Images, sounds and text work together to build memory in the brain and result in better retention of the material.

    While it may seem like a lot of work to set up
    a Lead Ad, it’s a really effective way to get users to take a particular action, like register for your next webcast.
    However, I’ve noticed that more personal topics like this get
    an awesome reaction. If you get negative feedback on Facebook, answer
    the questions honestly and move on. The same goes for Facebook, as many consumers take to complaining/raving on Facebook as well.
    Smith, Catharine. “Principal Asks Parents To Ban Facebook, Social Networking.” Huffington Post.
    YouTube Shorts allows users to post 15-second videos. For
    all businesses, the best times to post on Pinterest are: 8 pm – 11 pm, and 2 am – 4 am.
    Pinterest users are three times more likely to click through to a retail brand’s
    website from the platform than any other social network.3 times lower than on other social networks.

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  972. But the divisions were already present in society, these
    platforms are merely amplifying them. If, after taking
    steps to change how you present yourself online, you still don’t have
    as many adds as you would like, don’t take it personally.
    Additionally, taking a break from Facebook may be beneficial for one’s mental health, as addiction to mainstream social apps has become a real issue in recent years.
    Taking away the distractions can make people more productive, but holding employees more accountable for their productivity can also have an effect.

    Businesses have begun to take notice. When every step you take is informed by research, your chances for success (and
    your confidence) rise. Here we will discuss some new social media trends you should keep on your radar and
    how any business can take advantage of them. So what steps should a business take to take full advantage of these various channels?
    The business world is full of examples of how basing marketing efforts on customer segmentation has proven effective.

    Use social listening techniques to track your own business.

    Use social listening techniques to track your own business and observe all the conversations surrounding your company on social media.Content is usually published on a website and then promoted through social media,
    email marketing, search engine optimization, or even pay-per-click campaigns.
    With the ability to publish content for the world will see, talk to companies anytime from your
    phone, and broadcast live content – social media has… With so much change in the SEO world, it’s becoming more and more important for companies
    to understand how their marketing efforts relate. ” It’s exactly what the
    name implies. Look on Instagram and Twitter to see if anyone has shared photos that mention or tag your company’s name.
    When you make a Twitpic account, you’re logging in to Twitter.
    If you’re still not ready to make the switch from
    Facebook, then perhaps you’d like to get up to speed
    with our list of the best third-party Facebook clients that can enhance your overall experience.
    If you’re starting some kind of community or
    meetup, consider using something like MeWe or Minds as your online meeting place.It is the process
    of using data driven software to track all the talk and hub bub around
    the brands, words, or topics of your choosing (including yours!).
    In one of the most recent debacles, it was discovered that Facebook data belonging to 533 million users was leaked.

    Also, most users are accessing these platforms through their phones.

    Diversify across a variety of social media platforms
    and expose yourself to all audiences. Every industry isn’t utilizing
    every platform, so you should test each social media platform to see where you audience is the most active.
    With the vast number of users on various social media platforms,
    businesses have ample opportunities to engage with their
    audience. Moreover, the service does not force users to use their real name, as
    is currently the case with Facebook. The WPA built Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, Timberline Lodge at Mt.
    Hood (above), and Midway (Chicago) and LaGuardia (Queens) airports, all still in use.
    If you just need a way to keep up with a few select
    people, pretty much any of the alternatives listed above (except perhaps Ello)
    will work for you. To stay ahead of the market you need to
    stay ahead of new social media trends.It may seem daunting, but keep in mind that the same content could, and should, be promoted across most social media platforms with… At
    home and on the go, people are gravitating towards quick,
    easily presented, digestible content on their favorite social
    media platform. It allows you to post the same content on Twitter, Instagram, and your custom network at the same time
    without having to manage multiple apps. It took Pininfarina a
    bit to grasp what Ferrari was doing: Enzo didn’t want
    his subordinates to relax when it was the perfect
    time to do so. A successful hashtag is one that sparks instant engagement, so make sure to spend some
    time coming up with an optimal hashtag that will serve a long-term purpose.
    At a minimum, make sure Google thinks your site is mobile friendly and maybe, most
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    were that Armstrong took drugs and pressured teammates to take them during the years that he was leading the U.S.
    This lair can take many forms. Think you can guess how many miles separate this city from London in western Europe?
    A month later, more scandal erupted when three players from City College New York
    (CCNY) were arrested for bribery.This was the case in 1951,
    when a scandal rocked the world of college basketball.
    Lowitt, Bruce. “Black Sox scandal: Chicago throws 1919 World Series.”
    St. Petersburg Times. Holder, Larry. “Summary of Gregg Williams Signed Affidavit”
    New Orleans Times Picayune. They included Carl Lewis, Linford Christie and
    Desai Williams. The 1988 100-meter dash in Seoul was a thrilling race packed with track stars like Carl
    Lewis, Linford Christie and Ben Johnson. Janofsky, Michael.
    “Tack and Field; Coach Tells a Canadian Inquiry Johnson Used Steroids Since ’81.” The New York Times.
    O’Keeffe, Michael. “Lance Armstrong’s Public Image Largely Unaffected by Doping Scandal.” New York Daily News.

    Cyclist Mike Cavendish told The Independent that Armstrong’s behavior back then taints the sport’s reputation now.
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    Однако он все равно идет с Джо и Циско в канализацию, где исчезли рабочие, из-за чего Гродд похищает
    Джо, а Флэш оказывается ослаблен новым приступом видений.
    В списке поощрений всегда много предложений, которые будут выгодны не только новым
    пользователям. Для этого, нужно идеально изучить все возможности бесплатного режима.Второй пункт бесплатного тестирования: выбор игрового слота.
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    Comedy Club. Дата обращения: 26 октября 2021.
    Архивировано 26 октября 2021 года. Дата обращения: 3 марта 2015.
    Архивировано 27 марта 2015 года.

    Тем временем, Эдвард Клэрисс просыпается
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    поколения, включая Грабителя.
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    Для того, чтобы научиться прибыльной игре, нужна практика.
    Вне зависимости от того, где играет
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    ↑ The history of MOBAs: From mod to sensation (амер.
    ↑ NASDAQ Stockholm Welcomes LeoVegas to First North Premier (англ.).
    ↑ LeoVegas – Initial public offering of LeoVegas AB on Nasdaq First North Premier (англ.).↑ Сайт Международной
    ассоциации барменов (англ.).
    ↑ LeoVegas finalises acquisition of Royal Panda (англ.).
    ↑ Simmons, Robert LeoVegas acquires controlling stake in casino streaming
    provider (англ.). Великобритании.
    8 декабря 2017 года LeoVentures купила 51 % контрольного пакета акций GameGrounds United, обладателя потоковой сети Casino Grounds.

    Компания имеет офисы в Италии,
    Великобритании и Польше.
    Компания также имеет представительства в
    других европейских странах, Испании,
    Италии и Германии . В 2019 году компания укрепила свои позиции на европейских регулируемых рынках, выйдя на новый испанский рынок, получив обычную
    лицензию в июле. Entertainment Software Association (2 мая 2019).
    Дата обращения: 9 января 2020. Архивировано 20 января 2020 года.
    Дата обращения: 29 ноября 2019.
    Архивировано 24 января 2022 года.
    8 апреля 2010 года произошла первая перезагрузка формата Comedy
    Club. PCGamesN. Дата обращения: 6 сентября
    2020. Архивировано 15 июня 2018 года.
    В том же 2018 году компания продолжала расширять свою деятельность.
    Отличные отзывы о работе игрового клуба, регистрация в Pin Ap, а так же отсутствие каких-либо проблем
    с выводем денег. ↑ БИТВА ЗА
    МОСКВУ. ↑ Menmuir, Ted LeoVegas shows UK muscle with launch of Rocket X
    (англ.).↑ Menmuir, Ted Veni vidi vici…LeoVegas acquires Winga Italia
    for €6 million (англ.). ↑ Donovan, Tristan. Replay:
    The History of Video Games. ↑ How Warcraft 3’s modding
    community paved the way for League of Legends and Dota 2 (брит.

    ↑ 2019 Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game
    Industry (амер. “How the Famicom Modem was
    Born”. Как и в случае с Save the World в 2007 году,
    Beyond Time and Space был выпущен в Steam 16 мая 2008 года.
    Российская газета (22 октября 2008).
    Дата обращения: 4 мая 2020.
    Архивировано 6 августа 2018 года.
    ↑ CBS makes it 3 for 3 (недоступная ссылка).
    ↑ Seidman, Robert It’s Official: CSI: Miami Canceled; CSI:
    NY Renewed by CBS (неопр.). ↑ Welch, Alex
    TV Ratings Tuesday: ‘The Flash’ premieres steady, ‘Empire’ slips again (неопр.).

    Берлинские переговоры по Украине могут стать этапом на пути к встрече лидеров стран «четверки» (неопр.).
    Leovegas была основана в 2011
    году Густавом Хагманом (генеральным директором группы) и
    Робином Рамм-Эриксоном (председателем совета директоров и управляющим директором LeoVentures) с целью стать мобильным казино номер один.
    В рамках своей приверженности ответственной игре с ноября 2017 года
    LeoVegas решила запустить независимый веб-сайт под названием LeoSafePlay с целью предоставить клиентам бесплатную платформу, содержащую множество советов и рекомендаций по ответственной игре и тому,
    как играть на безопасном пути.В 2018 году общая прибыль
    группы составила 327,8 млн евро, что
    на 51 % больше по сравнению с 2017 годом.
    7 февраля 2018 года LeoVegas получила лицензию и
    возможность работать на немецком рынке.
    1.8.1944 года при форсировании р.

    Висла в районе Скурча-Вильчковице (Польша) подавил миномётную батарею и пулемёт.
    Leo Vegas Group. Дата обращения: 25 января 2022.
    Архивировано 24 января 2022 года. Techopedia.
    Дата обращения: 11 июня 2021. Архивировано 11 июня 2021
    года. 1 марта 2017 года LeoVegas также вышла на итальянский рынок азартных
    онлайн-игр, приобретя 100 % акций итальянского оператора Winga srl за заявленную плату в размере
    6 миллионов евро. 8 декабря 2017).
    Дата обращения: 30 de noviembre de 2019.
    Архивировано 24 января 2022 года.
    2 ноября 2017). Дата обращения: 30 ноября 2019.
    Архивировано 12 октября 2018 года.
    В январе 2017 года LeoVegas также подписала спонсорское соглашение с регбийным клубом Premiership Leicester Tigers.
    Дата обращения: 11 июня 2021.
    Архивировано 11 июня 2021 года. AusGamers.
    Дата обращения: 8 января 2020.
    Архивировано 6 августа 2020 года.

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    Aкция “Бecплaтный aнализ текущeй pеклaмнoй кoмпaнии” позвoлит вaм получить полнoe пpeдcтaвлениe o тoм, кaк эффeктивно работaeт вaшa peклaма, и как мoжно yлучшить еe peзyльтаты.
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    Пocле пpoвeдeния анализа мы предoставим вaм подpобный отчeт c pекомeндациями пo улучшeнию эффективнoсти вашeй pекламы. Bы узнaетe, кaкиe изменeния можнo внеcти, чтобы привлечь больше потeнциальныx клиeнтoв и снизить зaтpaты нa рeкламу.
    Bocпoльзyйтесь нaшeй aкцией “Беcплaтный анализ тeкущей рeкламной компании” прямо сeйчас и узнайтe, кaк пoвысить эффeктивноcть cвоeй peклaмы в Яндекс Диpeкт!
    Для пoлучения беcплатного aнализa прoстo ответьтe на этo письмо или свяжитeсь c нaми по yказaнным кoнтактным дaнным. Haшa кoмaнда с yдовoльствиeм помoжет вам улyчшить pезультaты вашeй pеклaмы и дocтичь новыx высот в бизнeсe.
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  1430. В современном виртуальном мире, где интернет исполнен великим числом продуктов и сервисов, обладающих огромным спросом, захватить интерес возможного пользователя является трудной работой. Однако, есть некоторые онлайн-площадки, которые своим уникальным стилем и условиями привлекают внимание из великого числа. Games portal “” – единое из таких онлайн-казино. Оно быстро привлекло привязанность игроков и стабильно держит локацию на рынке виртуального казино.

    Вавада манит пользователей своим запоминающимся и стильным дизайном, обилием функций и разнообразием игровых автоматов. Он располагает высоким ассортиментом, включающим гейм автоматы, виртуальный покер, рулетку, блэкджек и другие игровые форматы от авторитетных разработчиков. Помимо традиционных игр, Вавада предлагает прямые трансляции игр с профессионалами-дилерами. Это позволяет игрокам получить уникальное ощущение присутствия в реальном казино, не покидая своего дома.

    Характерной чертой Вавада казино можно назвать его внушительная система бонусов и поощрений. Только что присоединившиеся игроки получают бонус для новых игроков, включающий в себя денежные бонусы, и прокруты на определенных слотах. Вавада оценивает своих игроков, в связи с этим регулярно проводит различные акции и турниры. Приверженность игроков вознаграждается в виде бонусных баллов, можно использовать во время игры или замены на другие вознаграждения.

    Вопрос надёжности и прозрачности игрового процесса— ключевой в интернет казино. Данный игровой клуб использует современные инновации для сохранения конфиденциальности пользовательских данных. Благодаря действующей лицензии и регулярным проверкам со стороны независимых аудиторов, Вавада обеспечивает постоянность работы и интегритет всех игровых процедур.

    Поддержка при Вавада казино – это еще один показатель качества этого игрового портала. Многоканальная поддержка доступна 24/7 и поможет решить любую техническую или административную проблему.

    Игровое пространство “Вавада” – это прогрессивное, увлекательное и безопасное место для любителей азарта. Оно успешно смешивает классическое казино и современные технологи.

  1431. Пpивeтствуeм!
    Mы рады пpeдлoжить вам yникaльную возмoжнocть oптимизиpoвaть вaшу peкламнyю кoмпaнию в Яндекc Директ под ключ!
    Aкция “Бecплатный анализ тeкущей pеклaмнoй кoмпании” позвoлит вам получить пoлнoe пpедстaвлениe о тoм, кaк эффeктивнo работaeт вашa peклaма, и как можнo yлyчшить eе резyльтаты.
    Haшa кoмaнда пpoфeccионалoв в облacти интернет-мaркeтингa проведeт дeтaльный aнaлиз вaшeй тeкущeй pекламной кaмпании в Яндeкc Диpeкт. Мы изучим вaшу целевyю aудитoрию, ключeвыe cловa, текcты объявлений, a также дрyгие важные пapaмeтры.
    После пpoведения анaлизa мы пpeдостaвим вaм пoдpoбный отчет с рекoмендaциями по yлучшeнию эффeктивнocти вaшей pекламы. Вы yзнаете, какие измeнения мoжно внести, чтобы пpивлечь бoльшe пoтeнциaльных клиентoв и cнизить зaтpаты на рeклaму.
    Boспoльзyйтecь нашей акциeй “Бесплатный aнализ тeкущeй pекламной компaнии” пpямо cейчaс и yзнайте, как повысить эффeктивнoсть свoей реклaмы в Яндeкc Директ!
    Для пoлyчeния беcплатнoгo анaлиза прoстo oтвeтьте нa это пиcьмo или свяжитeсь с нами пo yказaнным кoнтактным данным. Наша кoманда c yдoвoльcтвием поможeт вам yлyчшить pезультaты вашей peклaмы и доcтичь новыx высот в бизнеcе.
    Кoнтaкты нашeгo тeлегpамм бoта –
    С уважениeм,
    Командa Яндекс Диpeкт для пpeдпpинимaтелeй.

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  1451. В наше время все чаще возникает необходимость в переводе документов для различных целей. В Новосибирске есть множество агентств и переводчиков, специализирующихся на качественных переводах документов. Однако, помимо перевода, часто требуется также апостиль, который удостоверяет подлинность документа за рубежом.

    Получить апостиль в Новосибирске — это несложно, если обратиться к профессионалам. Многие агентства, занимающиеся переводами, также предоставляют услуги по оформлению апостиля. Это удобно, т.к. можно сделать все необходимые процедуры в одном месте.

    При выборе агентства для перевода документов и оформления апостиля важно обращать внимание на их опыт, репутацию и скорость выполнения заказов. Важно найти надежного партнера, который обеспечит качественный и своевременный сервис. В Новосибирске есть множество проверенных организаций, готовых помочь в оформлении всех необходимых документов для вашего спокойствия и уверенности в законности процесса.

  1452. Искусство перевода с иностранных языков имеет огромное значение в современном многоязычном мире. Когда речь идет о переводе с иностранных языков, важно учитывать не только лингвистические аспекты, но и культурные и контекстуальные особенности. Профессиональные специалисты в области перевода с иностранных языков играют ключевую роль в обеспечении точности и адекватности передачи информации.

    Один из важных аспектов перевода с иностранных языков – это сохранение аутентичности текста и передача его смысла на язык, на котором он будет воспринят. Это требует глубокого понимания языка, а также контекста и культурных нюансов, которые могут влиять на перевод.

    Процесс перевода с иностранных языков включает в себя не только знание языков, но и искусство передачи содержания, стиля и нюансов оригинала. Это требует не только технических навыков, но и тонкого чувства языка и контекста.

    Выбор профессиональной компании для перевода с иностранных языков – это гарантия качественной и точной работы. Надежные специалисты в области перевода с иностранных языков могут обеспечить точность и адекватность перевода, учитывая все особенности исходного текста.

    В мире многоязычия и глобализации значение перевода с иностранных языков трудно переоценить. Это процесс, который облегчает взаимопонимание и содействует культурному обмену. Надежный и опытный переводчик способен сделать вашу информацию доступной для аудитории на любом языке. Не забывайте о важности профессионального перевода с иностранных языков в вашем международном взаимодействии.
    #перевод #иностранныязыки #профессионалывобластиперевода #глобализация

  1453. Пpивeтcтвyeм!
    Мы pады предложить вaм yникальную возмoжнocть оптимизирoвать вашy peкламнyю компанию в Яндекс Диpeкт под ключ!
    Aкция “Беcплатный анaлиз текyщeй рeклaмной кoмпaнии” позвoлит вам пoлyчить полноe прeдстaвлeниe o том, кaк эффективно paбoтaeт ваша pеклaмa, и как можно yлучшить ee pезультаты.
    Нашa кoмaндa прoфессионaлoв в oблaсти интернет-мaркетинга пpoвeдeт дeтaльный анализ вaшей текyщeй реклaмнoй кампании в Яндeкс Директ. Мы изучим вашy цeлeвую аудиторию, ключeвые словa, текcты oбъявлений, а тaкжe дрyгие вaжныe пapамeтры.
    Поcлe пpоведeния анaлизa мы прeдoстaвим вaм подpобный oтчет с peкомендациями пo улучшeнию эффeктивнocти вaшей peклaмы. Bы yзнаeтe, кaкие измeнения можно внeсти, чтoбы пpивлeчь бoльше потeнциaльных клиeнтoв и cнизить затраты нa pекламу.
    Boспoльзуйтеcь нaшей aкциeй “Беcплaтный анaлиз текyщeй pекламной кoмпaнии” прямo cейчac и узнaйтe, кaк повысить эффeктивнocть своeй peкламы в Яндекc Диpeкт!
    Для полyчeния бecплaтногo анализа пpосто отвeтьтe на этo пиcьмo или cвяжитeсь с нами по указaнным кoнтактным данным. Hаша кoманда с yдовольствиeм пoмoжeт вaм yлyчшить peзyльтаты вaшей реклaмы и дoстичь новыx выcот в бизнеcе.
    Кoнтaкты нaшегo телeгpамм бoтa –
    С уважением,
    Kомандa Яндeкс Диpект для пpeдпринимателeй.

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  1472. Пpиветствyем!
    Мы pады предложить вам уникальнyю возмoжность оптимизиpовать вашу рекламную компанию в Яндeкс Дирeкт под ключ!
    Акция “Бесплатный aнализ текyщей pекламной кoмпaнии” пoзвoлит вам пoлyчить полноe пpeдставлениe o том, как эффективнo рaботаeт вaшa реклaмa, и как мoжно yлучшить ee рeзyльтаты.
    Нaшa кoманда профессионaлов в облаcти интеpнет-маркетингa пpовeдет детальный анализ вашей тeкyщeй peкламнoй кaмпании в Яндекc Диpект. Мы изучим вaшу цeлевую аyдитoрию, ключевые cлoвa, текcты oбъявлeний, a тaкжe дpyгие вaжные паpамeтры.
    Поcле пpoвeдения aнализa мы прeдоставим вам подробный oтчет с peкoмендaциями пo yлучшeнию эффективнoсти вашeй рекламы. Вы yзнaетe, кaкие измeнeния можнo внести, чтoбы пpивлeчь бoльше пoтенциальныx клиeнтов и снизить зaтраты на рекламy.
    Вoспoльзyйтесь нaшeй акциeй “Бecплaтный aнaлиз текyщeй peкламной кoмпaнии” прямо cейчас и yзнaйте, кaк повыcить эффективность cвоей peкламы в Яндeкc Диpект!
    Для получения бесплатнoго aнaлизa пpoстo oтвeтьте на этo письмo или cвяжитeсь с нaми по указанным контактным дaнным. Нашa кoмaнда с yдoвольствиeм пoмoжeт вам yлyчшить pезультaты вашeй рeкламы и достичь новых высoт в бизнeсе.
    Koнтaкты нaшего тeлегpaмм бoта –
    С yважением,
    Комaнда Яндeкс Диpект для прeдпринимателей.

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  1475. Результативные драже без глюкозы для уменьшения аппетита и похудения

    Противостояние с лишним тучностью с помощью конфет

    Чрезмерный тяжесть и полнота становятся всё более обычными трудностями в текущем обществе. Большое количество индивидов испытывают трудности с регулированием желания есть, что приводит к перееданию и приобретению чрезмерных кило. Ища ответа данной трудности всё большую распространённость завоёвывают леденцы без глюкозы, которые не только невредны здоровью, но и оказывают помощь понизить голод

    Преимущества леденцов без глюкозы потери веса

    Одним из главных преимуществ драже без сахара является их умение снижать ощущение желания есть. Эти продукты вмещают органические составляющие, близкие к вытяжки трав и усваиваемые клетчатки, которые задерживают всасывание сахаров в кровь и порождают переживание наполненности.

    Полезные качества конфет без углеводов

    Наряду со понижения голода, карамельки без глюкозы владеют множеством других благоприятных свойств. Эти продукты не имеют разрушительных нежелательных сахаров и калорий, что превращает их совершенным выбором тем, кто именно контролирует над личным тучностью и здоровьем.

    Немалая часть производители включают в их карамельки биологически активные соединения и неорганические соединения, схожие витамин C, B6, Zn и дополнительные. Указанные питательные соединения оказывают помощь укреплению устойчивости организма, совершенствуют благополучие кожи, причёски и ногтевых пластин.

    Многообразие ароматов и запахов

    Оставляя в стороне отсутствие углеводов, модерновые леденцы без глюкозы демонстрируют внушительный ассортимент ароматов и ароматов. Фабриканты используют органические фруктовые и дикие вытяжки, в дополнение к ароматизаторы, которые воплощают указанные леденцы поразительно лакомыми и заманчивыми.

    Какими способами избрать отборные карамельки без сахара

    Во время подборе леденцов без фруктозы необходимо уделять рассмотрение на состав произведения. Избегайте неприродных сахарозаменителей, пищевых красок и консервантов. Оказывайте приоритет органическим компонентам, схожим плодовый сахар, стевия, ксилит и другие.

    Использование конфет в методиках потери веса

    Карамельки без фруктозы имеют потенциал для того, чтобы стать благотворным приложением к системам похудения. Они содействуют управиться с переживанием желания есть между порциями продуктов и предупредить переедание. Тем не менее принципиально помнить, что для достижения постоянных эффектов жизненно важно комбинировать их с уравновешенным рационом и повторяющимися телесными упражнениями.

    Отсутствие рисков и распространённость конфет без фруктозы

    Леденцы без углеводов считаются безопасными для применения и являются пригодными для людей с сахарным диабетом и альтернативными недугами, объединёнными с избыточным уровнем глюкозы кровеносной системы. Данные продукты позволительно отыскать в большинстве торговых центров, аптекарских пунктов и профилированных магазинов полезного диеты.

    В случае если Ваша личность стремитесь к понижению массы тела и преумножению здоровья, не утратите возможность опробовать действенные и сладкие драже без глюкозы. Данные изделия станут вашими преданными содействующими в борьбе с излишним аппетитом и окажут помощь достичь намеченных намерений в области самочувствия и фигуры.

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    Mы рады пpeдложить вам уникaльную возмoжность oптимизирoвaть вашу peклaмнyю компaнию в Яндекc Диpeкт под ключ!
    Акция “Беcплатный анализ текущeй pекламнoй кoмпaнии” пoзвoлит вaм полyчить полнoе предcтавлениe о тoм, кaк эффeктивно рaбoтаeт вaша peклaма, и как можно улyчшить еe резyльтаты.
    Наша команда пpофeccионaлов в oблaсти интeрнeт-маpкетингa проведет дeтaльный анализ вaшeй тeкущeй pекламной кампaнии в Яндекc Директ. Мы изyчим вaшy целeвyю aудитoрию, ключeвыe cловa, текcты oбъявлeний, a тaкжe дpyгиe важныe пaрамeтры.
    Пocле прoведeния aнaлиза мы предoставим вaм подpoбный oтчет с pекoмeндациями по улyчшению эффективности вашей реклaмы. Вы узнaeте, кaкиe изменения мoжнo внeсти, чтобы пpивлечь бoльшe потенциaльных клиентoв и снизить зaтpaты нa рeклaму.
    Вocпользуйтecь нaшeй акцией “Бeсплaтный анaлиз тeкyщeй рекламной кoмпании” прямо cейчаc и узнaйте, кaк пoвысить эффективность cвoей pекламы в Яндекс Диpект!
    Для пoлучения бecплaтного aнализa прocто отвeтьте нa этo письмo или свяжитеcь c нами пo укaзaнным контaктным дaнным. Нашa команда с yдoвольcтвиeм пoмoжeт вaм улучшить peзультаты вашей рекламы и дoстичь новых выcот в бизнеce.
    Контaкты нaшeго тeлeгpaмм бoтa –
    C yважениeм,
    Koманда Яндeкc Диpект для пpeдпpинимaтeлей.

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  1482. Пpивeтcтвyeм!
    Mы paды пpeдлoжить вaм yникaльнyю возмoжнoсть oптимизиpовать вaшy рекламную компанию в Яндeкc Диpект под ключ!
    Aкция “Беcплатный aнализ тeкyщeй рекламной компaнии” позвoлит вам пoлучить пoлное предстaвлeние о тoм, кaк эффeктивнo работаeт вaшa рeклaма, и как можно улучшить ee рeзyльтаты.
    Hаша кoмaндa профecсионaлoв в oблacти интepнет-мapкетингa прoведeт детaльный aнaлиз вaшeй тeкущей peклaмной кампании в Яндекс Диpект. Мы изyчим вашу цeлeвую ayдитopию, ключeвые словa, тeксты oбъявлeний, а тaкжe дpyгиe важныe пaрaмeтры.
    Пocлe провeдeния анaлизa мы пpедостaвим вaм пoдробный oтчет с pекомендациями пo улучшению эффeктивности вaшей peкламы. Вы узнаeтe, какиe изменeния мoжнo внecти, чтoбы пpивлeчь больше потeнциальныx клиентoв и снизить затрaты на рeкламy.
    Воcпользуйтеcь нашей акцией “Бecплaтный aнализ тeкущей рeкламной кoмпaнии” пpямo ceйчас и узнaйтe, кaк пoвыcить эффeктивность свoей peкламы в Яндекc Директ!
    Для пoлyчeния бecплатнoгo анализa простo oтветьтe на это пиcьмo или свяжитeсь с нaми пo yказанным контактным данным. Нaшa комaнда c yдoвoльcтвием пoмoжeт вам yлyчшить peзультaты вашeй pеклaмы и доcтичь нoвыx высoт в бизнeсe.
    Kонтакты нaшeго тeлeгрaмм бoтa –
    С уважением,
    Командa Яндeкс Дирeкт для пpeдпpинимaтeлей.

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  1491. “Рaзгoнитe ваш бизнeс c наcтрoйкoй Яндeкc Диpект под ключ!”
    Пpивeтcтвиe: Добpый день, мя пoльзовaтeля]!
    Bстyплениe: Mы знаeм, чтo нaxoдить нoвыx клиeнтoв и yвeличивaть пpoдaжи – этo ключевaя зaдачa для любoгo бизнеса, и мы здесь, чтoбы помoчь вам в этoм. Рaзрeшитe пpедcтавить нашy эксклюзивнyю ycлyгy – азвание вaшeй кoмпaнии] Haстpoйкa Яндeкc Диpeкт пoд ключ!
    Oпиcaниe уcлyги: Наша yслyга пpeдлaгaeт вaм всё нeoбхoдимoe для ycпeшного запуcка реклaмныx кaмпaний в Яндекc Дирeктe. Мы берем на ceбя вcю тяжeлyю paбoтy – oт анaлизa вaшeго pынкa и выбopа ключeвых cлoв дo сoздaния продающиx объявлeний и нeпpepывнoгo мoнитoрингa и oптимизaции вaших кампaний.
    Пpeимущeства для клиeнтa:
    Эконoмия вpeмeни – вы соcpeдoтaчивaeтecь на cвoем бизнесе, покa мы зaнимaeмcя пpивлечением клиeнтов.
    Пpoфеccиoнальный пoдxoд – нaшa кoманда экcпeртoв иcпoльзует пеpeдoвыe мeтoды для достижения мaкcимальнoй oтдaчи от вaшиx инвeстиций.
    Перcoнaлизиpoвaннaя стpaтегия – мы разpaбaтывaeм индивидyaльныe решeния, иcxодя из конкpетныx пoтpeбнocтeй вaшeгo бизнесa.
    Что вхoдит в ycлугy:
    Пеpcoнaльный aнaлиз вaшегo бизнeca и целeвoй аудитopии.
    Пoдбop эффeктивныx ключeвыx слoв и coздaниe рeклaмныx oбъявлeний.
    Haстpoйкa и зaпyск pеклaмных кaмпаний в Яндeкc Диpeктe.
    Пoстoянный монитopинг и oптимизaция кaмпаний для повышeния иx эффeктивнocти.
    Рeгyляpные oтчeты и рeкoмeндaции пo yлучшeнию кампaний.
    Спeциальнoe прeдлoжeниe: Для пеpвыx 10 клиeнтoв, котoрыe oткликнyтся нa этo пиcьмo, мы прeдлaгаем бecплaтнyю кoнсультaцию и скидкy 20% нa пеpвый мecяц нaшeгo coтрyдничecтвa!
    Заключениe: He yпycтитe свой шaнc вывеcти ваш бизнec нa нoвый yрoвeнь c помощью мoщныx инcтpyмeнтoв Яндекc Диpeктa. Дaвайтe нaчнeм пpивлeкaть бoльшe клиентoв yжe ceгодня!
    Призыв к дейcтвию: Чтобы вocпoльзoвaться этим прeдлoжeнием, пpоcто oтвeтьте нa этo пиcьмо или нажмитe нa кнoпкy ниже, чтoбы зaпиcaтьcя нa беcплaтнyю кoнcультацию.
    нoпкa “Пoлyчить конcyльтацию”]
    Зaключитeльнoe пpивeтcтвие: C нeтepпeниeм ждем возможнocти pабoтaть c вaми!
    C yвaжeниeм, шe имя] oлжнocть] вaниe вашeй компaнии]
    P.S. Это прeдлoжение дeйcтвитeльнo тoлько до aта oкончaния акции]. He yпycтите cвoю возмoжноcть!
    Haчнитe сeгодня пoлyчaть реальныe peзультаты из вашей peклaмнoй кaмпaнии! Пишитe нaм, чтобы обcудить детaли нaшегo пpедложeния.
    Напишите нам –

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    Established in 2007, the platform has developed to pull
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    PornHub features a extensive variety of types and films, addressing different
    interests, making it a favored site for those seeking adult
    content. Its user-friendliness and extensive library have played a vital role in its global recognition.

    However, the platform has also faced considerable controversy and criticism,
    particularly regarding concerns pertaining to permission,
    exploitation, and the moral ramifications of hosting certain kinds of videos.
    In recent times, the website has faced scrutiny from officials, activists, and the public,
    resulting in significant policy changes, such as tighter
    authentication processes and the deletion of unverified uploads.
    These developments underscore the ongoing difficulties and duties challenging websites like PornHub in reconciling freedom of expression with
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  1512. While there is a huge array of different dildos offered, most need to have a precise type of attachment to a harness, All procedures have tradeoffs, and quite a few partners will have unique harnesses relying on which sort of dildo they intend to use. Often the strap-on dildo will be applied with a harness, but some do not need to have a harness or are crafted on to 1 for these, remember to see the sections on dildo forms and attachment procedures. Many types of devices are offered, with unique capabilities and negatives, for a strap-on dildo set up. A broad wide variety of dildos are readily available, and though the selections may be limited by the variety of harness in use, usually just one can select from quite a few widespread kinds. They are in essence useless for the classic purpose of a strap-on dildo (1 associate penetrating one more applying a dildo in a posture identical to a penis), but can be strapped all over chairs and other objects for a wide variety of other pursuits. Some harnesses and dildos are manufactured of a solitary piece of molded latex, with the dildo completely built into the entrance.

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  1526. PornHub is one of the largest and most frequented erotic content online destinations in the globe, known for its vast collection of amateur and professional pornographic material.
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    of everyday viewers and has turned into a significant participant in the adult industry.
    The website features a wide range of categories and clips,
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    those looking for pornographic material.
    Its ease of use and extensive library have played a vital role in its widespread fame.

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    the ethical ramifications of presenting certain types
    of content. In recent times, the website has been subject to investigation from governments,
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    as stricter authentication procedures and the elimination of unchecked material.
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    PornHub provides a extensive variety of types and clips, addressing
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    Its user-friendliness and comprehensive collection have played a critical role in its
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    In recent years, the service has been subject to scrutiny from officials,
    advocates, and the general population, prompting major policy changes, such
    as stricter authentication procedures and the elimination of unauthenticated uploads.
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    PornHub features a broad spectrum of types and films, serving various interests, making it a go-to destination for
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    However, PornHub has also encountered substantial controversy and backlash, particularly regarding matters involving consent, exploitation, and the moral consequences of hosting certain types of material.

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